Rod Stewart
Rod Laver Arena 17th February 2012

10m from corner of stage - RHS. Rear of CD cover artwork is a photo taken by recorder.

Audio Reality Binaural Mikes / Battery box > Sony PCM M10B ( Manual Levels (4) LCF off, Mike Low, Limiter off) >FLAC (Traders little helper) - Track split done by audacity.


A great sounding show with all the old favorites.

There are few times when my language was less than polite - so don't play infront of children if easily offended. There is a story behind this.

I'd bought two VERY expensive tickets for this show - $400 each. Excellent seats at the front. At the last minute my wife had to duck out and so I took along a mate. As I was stealthing when we got to our seats I took the one that was three seats in from an aisle - thinking it would be further away from any roaming gestapo security.
My mate therefore had the seat that was two seats in from the aisle. Just before the show started a small man (must have weighed 7 stone wet through) came and sat next to my mate. Then about 2 mins before the show started a Moose weighing in at about 400 lbs came and sat next to / on me. $400 and I only had half a seat!!!!!

My mate was pissing himself - and then she started singing (my mate said that he couldn't wait till she started dancing)....

There was a few comments back and forth during the first few songs - such as "You've had worse" and "Not very often though" and "Looks like you've pulled" and "how am I going to get home" etc etc - which I responded to with some expressions that wouldn't be on the childrens hour.

Sorry for that - but direct your complaints at the moose.

Over all the recording is good - all the photos on the artwork are from the show. Rod kept changing his suits and putting up slides of his family.

It was a good show - despite the moose - who didn't sing too much after all.

Track list and check sum included below and in the torrent.
