Rodney Crowell
Waterloo Records
Austin, TX
Rodney Crowell
Eamon McLoughlin
Steuart Smith
Hanna Southerland
Audience->Schoeps MK4-Naiant Tinybox-Sony PCM-M10-cdwav->mp3tag for tagging->Traders Little Helper->recorded by seedy
Rodney did an in store performance in support of his new record "Texas"
Recorded from one person back from stage - center
01 intro
02 Flatland Hillbillies
03 intro 56 Fury
04 56 Fury
05 intro Deep In the Heart of Uncertain Texas
06 Deep In the Heart of Uncertain Texas
07 intro The Border
08 The Border
09 band intro
10 Don't Get Me Wrong
11 East Houston Blues
12 Reckless
13 It Ain't Over Yet
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: