Chesnut Cabaret
Philadelphia, PA.
July 26,1990
EX Soundboard from The BillyDee Archives
Post tweaking - jerseyboy
01 Younger Than That Now
02 Ballad Of Easy Rider
03 Your Love Is A Goldmine
04 The Trees Are All Gone
05 Tifanny Queen II
06 You Bowed Down
07 King Of The Hill
08 Love That Never Dies
09 Chesnut Mare
10 You Ain't Going Nowhere
11 Mr. Spaceman
12 Mr. Tambourine Man
13 Turn Turn Turn
14 Eight Miles High
15 encore applz 1
16 So You Want To Be A Rock n Roll Star
17 Feel A Whole Lot Better
18 encore applz 2
19 Knockin' On Heaven's Door
Thanks to Bill for entrusting me with another soundboard from the Chestnut.
There were technical difficulties with drop outs on trk 19. I did my best to fill the gaps
using Adobe Audition Pro.
I was thinking about including the original version as a bonus track, but you don't want to hear it like that. Trust me.