Roger Waters
June 30th, 2000 (Friday)
The Gorge Amphitheatre
George, Washington, USA
Audioarchivist Analog Master - 16 bit 44.1 khz CD Ready
Source (Audioarchivist): Sony ECM-DS70p in hat > Sony WM D3 Professional Recording Walkman (Dolby B on CrO2 bias) > Maxell XL-ii-S 90 master cassettes x3
Transfer (Audioarchivist): Master cassettes > Nakamichi BX-2 (normal bias dolby off) > M-Audio interface > 24/96 Audacity
Patch (unknown taper): SP-CMC-6 omnis > Sony TCD-D8 > Maxell HS-4/90s - 50 feet from stage Center Section B - different source than "Gorge On This"
Mastering (LeifH12345): .WAV > RX9 > Wavepad > FLAC 8 via TLH
Setlist: 02:41:54
101 set 1 intro "the show is about to begin" [patch @ 00:00 - 01:14]
102 In The Flesh?
103 The Happiest Days of Our Lives
104 Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2
105 Mother
106 Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert
107 Southampton Dock
108 Pigs on the Wing
109 Dogs
110 Welcome to the Machine [patch @ 06:48 - 06:55]
111 Wish You Were Here [patch @ 02:20 - 02:39]
112 Shine On You Crazy Diamond
201 set 2 intro
202 Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
203 Breathe
204 Time
205 Breathe (Reprise)
206 Money
207 5:06 AM (Every Stranger's Eyes)
208 Perfect Sense, Part 1
209 Perfect Sense, Part 2
210 The Bravery of Being Out of Range [patch @ 00:00 - 05:05]
211 Its a Miracle [patch @ 00:00 - 02:43]
212 Amused to Death
213 Brain Damage
214 Eclipse
215 band introductions
216 Comfortably Numb
217 encore
218 Each Small Candle
219 post show
One of those kinds of shows that couldn't happen in a post 9/11 world. The Gorge is built on the cliffside of the Columbia River, and you can see the river snaking to the horizon behind the stage. To begin the show, Roger had a jet buzz the Amphitheatre on a low fly-by. What a prop for a concert! LOL I could see it coming, and you can definitely hear it in the recording. Not many cameras in the crowd, but I guess a few pics of it on that website link I included - have a look!
I barely arrived on time to hit record and wasn't even set up, thanks to the antics of a former friend that drove me down from Victoria BC with his elderly dad for some reason, and found myself seated next to Kevin Davie who was also recording with his WM D6C. We still haven't seemed to find and figure out where Kevin's tapes of this show are just yet, but I know that they exist - somewhere. Our two recordings would make four sources that I am aware of, but I bet that ours don't sound terribly different as far as crowd noises, since we were side by side, vs. the other tapers in attendance that were in other sections.
I have this 3 cdr set that I *think* I got from Kevin's belongings when he passed. Not sure where it came from or where they got it. Does it even circulate on it's own? I did a proper EAC extraction of the discs and sent them to Leif along with my master transfers for processing. Leif repaired the microgaps from the cdr burn before using it as the patch source for my recording. I had a bit of equipment failure during one of the tape flips and another flip was a bit awkward. We had hoped to use Kevin's source as a patch for mine, and vice versa for his tape flips, but the search for his masters has still turned up with nothing. Nothing but a lot of other tapes to work on! I suppose this was a catalyst for me trying to revive the Kevin Davie memorial series...
I had hoped to keep to a schedule of doing a show every week, but recent health issues have slowed down my already slow progress. I am due for some relatively minor surgery this week (hernias), and struggling while waiting for it to happen. For now, a pause on the concept of a schedule is what I have in mind. As more can happen, more will happen. I am hoping to play some more tapes during my recovery, but time will tell how long that will take. No reason to put a clock on it...
Cool show, although with the exception of the airplane, there were no real visuals to be seen. The screens for videos couldn't be hung with the windy day, so no films that had been prepared were shown. I am glad that we were down close to the front, in the section to the right (stage left). I have been to shows up on the grass on the hillside, and with no screens, the little ants on stage would seem fairly insignificant. Too bad for them, but I got to see the band playing with relative ease! Sounds alright, too - except for the crowd! Were we right next to the beer garden so all the drunks could shout near us? LOL.... Sometimes I just want to reach through the speakers, through space and time, down the wires, through my microphone on my head and slap some folks from 23 years ago! Shut up!!! So glad that Leif is knocking some of the worst ones back, although there's still some knarly artifacts from their removal at times... Still better than a speaker spanker screamer!
Inside my tape cases there are several slips of paper with some names and phone numbers of folks that I assume "Bossman" talked to about getting a copy of the bootleg back then. Sorry, everyone from 23 years ago there - it took a while to get them ready! LOL
I am very curious as to where Kevin's tapes are. We have mostly all of them, we think. I still haven't re-RE-researched all of the ones that I have here. Although our two recordings won't be THAT different, he was already in his seat and ready to roll when I was walking in while the plane was flying, so there will be much less setting up noises for Leif to try and clean away... On side six of my masters (not included with this share) I kept recording post show as Kevin and I walked back up and out to find Bossman and his Pops the cop. Kevin and I chatted about recording and how it went, and where his tape flips happened different to where mine were, already making plans for tape flip patches from each other's sources. So, I hope we (or is that I) find his tapes, as I'm sure they will make a fine addition to his memorial series...
For now, consider this release a placeholder for a future Kevin Davie Memorial series release of this show, when found. Also, consider this a notice that The Kevin Davie Memorial Series will definitely continue after a (hopefully) brief pause. As I mentally prepare and worry like crazy for my first surgery ever this week, I hope that the Audioarchivist series is a long way off from being a memorial and is just all stuff that I post of my own after I recover! LOL
Wish me luck!
More to come!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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