Roger Waters
Madison Square Garden
New York New York
August 31, 2022
Recorded by Daspyknows
Section F Row 5 dead center (4 rows from end of stage)
Schoeps MK4 BabyNBox Tascam DR-2D 24 Bit 48K
Processed using Soundforge 13, resample, to 16bit 44.1K
TLH to convert to Flac
Master 2022.104
Set 1:
101. intro 1
102. Comfortably Numb
103. The Happiest Days of Our Lives
104. Another Brick in the Wall, Part 2
105. Another Brick in the Wall, Part 3
106. The Powers That Be
107. The Bravery of Being Out of Range Part 1
108. The Bravery of Being Out of Range Part 2
109. The Bar
109. Have a Cigar
110. Wish You Were Here
111. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts VI-IX)
112. Sheep
Set 2:
201. In the Flesh
202. Run Like Hell
203. Déjà Vu
204. Is This the Life We Really Want?
205. Money
206. Us and Them
207. Any Colour You Like
208. Brain Damage
209. Eclipse
210. Roger talks
211. Two Suns in the Sunset
212. The Bar (Reprise)
213. Outside the Wall
Day 2 of Roger Waters at Madison Square Garden. Seating a few rows closer in
the same section. All pretty easy although almost had an issue with security
it didn't matter. For this show was only attending with my friend from NY so
was hoping for a good crowd around me. Luckily that aspect worked out again.
Given the set list is fixed I knew what to expect. Before the show my neighbor
was wondering about the stage like I did the day before and I asked if he
wanted to be surprised. He said yes and I said then I won't tell him. The
show was largely the same but the sound was better so this is a better recording
than the first night. Also a lot of the people around me left their seats so I
didn't have many people in front or next to me which made for a better recording.
I also enjoyed the less familiar music more this show so it was a great night at
the Garden.
Just the basic taper requests here and please no vitriol:
Don't be an ass by selling this or using it in a video that is sold
Don't modify the info file
Don't remaster and/or post on other sites that are not 100% free
If shared keep info file intact but create a second file
Do convert to lossy formats except for personal use
Do support the artists