The Rolling Stones - " So Much Younger Then Today"
( 7-28-66), Honolulu, Hawaii, International Center
Audience Recording
Lineage: Trader CD-R > EAC, Secure Mode, Accurate Stream, No Disable Cache > WAV > Flac Frontend, Encoding Options, Level.6, Align On Sector Boundaries > Flac
Label: Swinging Pig
Original Taper: N/A

1) Introduction/Not Fade Away
2) The Last Time
3) Paint It Black
4) Lady Jane
5) Mothers Little Helper
6) Get Off Of My Cloud
7) 19th Nervous Breakdown
8) Satisfaction/Outroduction


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This is the oldest Stones show I have in my collection, it's been in heavy rotation in my stereo the past few days, I thought that maybe everyone here might enjoy it.

The show was presented by the radio station K-Poi in Hawaii, I don't know that much about Stones bootlegs, so if anyone has more detailed info about the show, I greatly appreciate their help.

I had a friend who got to see the Stones play the first show at the International Center in 73, the infamous " In Exotic Honolulu" performance.

The sound quality is amazing for a 66 show, I'm amazed how clear it is, sounds like it was taped very close to the stage.
