- The Complete Voodoo Residue Tapes -

SugarMegs Stream note, The 'b' (reworked) files were used for this stream.
20th - 29th April 1993: St. Philip, Barbados, West Indies, Blue Wave Studios

02-01a (2’42) Unknown (or untitled) #12a ("I'm Fallin'" #1) - MJ on vocals, keyboard (with drums programming)
02-01b (2’36) (reworked) clicks attenuated, some defaults deleted

02-02a (5’06) Unknown (or untitled) #12b ("I'm Fallin'" #2) - MJ on vocals, keyboard (with drums programming); KR on guitar; 2 sequences
02-02b (5’08) (reworked)

02-03a (2’00) Unknown (or untitled) #12c ("I'm Fallin'" #3) - MJ on vocals, keyboard (with drums programming); KR on guitar; 4 attemps for progress
02-03b (2’01) (reworked)

02-04a (1’13) Unknown (or untitled) #13a ("Mick's idea #4a") - MJ on guitar and vocals (plus programmed drums)
02-04b (1’14) (reworked)

02-05a (0’20) Unknown (or untitled) #13b ("Mick's idea #4b") - MJ on guitar and vocals (plus programmed drums)
02-05b (0’22) (reworked)

02-06a (1’23) Unknown (or untitled) #13c ("Mick's idea #4c") - MJ on guitar and vocals (plus programmed drums)
02-06b (1’25) (reworked)

02-07a (1’18) Unknown (or untitled) #13d ("Mick's idea #4d") - MJ on guitar and vocals (plus programmed drums)
02-07b (1’20) (reworked)

02-08a (3’31) Unknown (or untitled) #14a ("Mick's idea #5a") - MJ on guitar with guide vocals (plus programmed drums)
02- 08b (3’31) (reworked) I tried to improve the different gaps, short ending segment reconnected to the main track.

02-09a (6’37) Unknown (or untitled) #14b ("Mick's idea #5b") - MJ on keyboards with guide vocals (plus programmed drums)
02-09b (6’38) (reworked) I tried to improve the different gaps.

02-10a (4’00) Unknown (or untitled) #14c ("Mick's idea #5c") -plus KR on bass
02-10b (4’02) (reworked)

02-11a (4’32) Unknown (or untitled) #14d ("Mick's idea #5d") - plus KR on bass, more elaborated
02-11b (4’34) (reworked)

02-12a (1’44) Unknown (or untitled) #15a ("Mick's idea #6a") - MJ humming, with guitar and programmed drums, with short re-start at the end
02-12b (1’46) (reworked), clicks attenuated in the last segment

02-13a (2’10) Unknown (or untitled) #15b ("Mick's idea #6b") - as above, 3 segments
02-13b (2’11) (reworked) clicks attenuated

02-14a (1’55) Unknown (or untitled) #16 ("Mick's idea #7") - MJ on vocals, playing a rock rhythm on guitar, with programmed drums and KR joining on bass at the end
02-14b (1’54) (reworked) default improved at 1’34

02-15a (1’14) Anything For You #1 - KR on vocals KR and piano; MJ doing some vocals)
02-15b (1’16) - (reworked) slight noise reduction

02-16a (0’45) Anything For You #2 - as above, with more accompaniment from MJ)
02-16b (0’44) - part 2 (reworked) slight noise reduction

02- 17a (1’34) Anything For You #3 - as above
02-17b (1’34) (reworked)

02-18a (1’12) Anything For You #4 - as above
02-18b (1’12) (reworked)

02-19a (0’59) Anything For You #5 - as above; variations
02-19b (1’00) (reworked)

02-20a (3’36) Unknown (or untitled) #17a ("Mick's idea #8a") - MJ on guitar, vocals (plus programmed drums); KR on bass; slightly Rain Fall Down-like
02-20b (3’34) (reworked) default deleted at 0’17s (patch)

02-21a (0’36) Unknown (or untitled) #17b ("Mick's idea #8b") - as above; snippet
02-21b (0’31) (reworked)

02-22a (4’20) Unknown (or untitled) #17c ("Mick's idea #8c) - as above; progressed version
02-22b (4’23) (reworked) patch at 0’13s

02-23a (7’11) Unknown (or untitled) #17d ("Mick's idea #8d") - as above; even more progressed version
02-23b (7’05) some defaults reworked

Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.

Images for this show:

RollingStones1993-05-20Vol02VoodoLoungeSongwritingSessions (1).jpg
RollingStones1993-05-20Vol02VoodoLoungeSongwritingSessions (2).jpg