Room Full of Blues w/James Cotton
King Biscuit Blues Festival
Octobet 6, 2001
Helena, AR USA

Lineage: AM 1's(8ft. high)>CA ST20B>NJB3>Audacity(normalize)>CDWave(tracking)>FLAC

Location: 100 ft from stage, left center 10 ft from soundboard

Note: This was the first time I have seen the RFOB and I must admit I cannot do much for a set list. Hope everyone can help on this. They did a great show of what I will call 'big band blues'. Great sound and very entertaining -- the crowd really enjoyed it.


17 tracks

Never sell or share in lossy format
Always GO SEE LIVE MUSIC and support the artists


KBBF 2011 Recordings (* are up on Dime)
Location: 100 ft from stage just left of SB
Set up A: AM1's(8' high)>CA ST20B preamp>NJB3
Set up B: TASCAM STPRO(batt. power) 8' high>Deneke AD-20>(optical)>NJB3

Oct. 6th
Lionel Young Band (2011 IBC Winner) cut in, mised first 10 min.(A)
Sterling Billingsley Band (A)
Mike Zito (A)
Reba Russell Band (lost last 5 minutes due to dying battery, otherwise a great set) (A)
*Roy Rogers (man, what a slide uitar player!) (A)
*Room Full of Blues with guest James Cotton (harp) (B)
*Buddy Guy (B)

Oct 7th
Larry Garner with Sam Joyner (A)
*Hubert Sumlin, Willie 'Big Eyes' Smith Band, Bob Margolin (this group with various players is there each year. This year BIg Eyes son played, Bob stroger of Muddy Waters Fame, Bob Corritore(harp)and the whole thing came off very well. Hubert is one of the last of theold ones and he was unable to stand during this performance. (A)
Michael Burks (A)
Anson Funderburgh and the Rockets (A)
*Paul Thorn (up on Dime now) (B)
Delbert McClinton (B)

Oct 8th
Big Bill Morganfield (Muddy Waters son) missed first 10 minutes) (A)
Hamilton Loomis (A)
*Matt Schofield (UK blues AXman) (A)
Tommy Castro (A)
The STAX Review with Eddie Floyd, Duck Dunn, and Steve Cropper(the latter two of the Blues Brothers Band movie fame) (B)
*Keb' Mo' (the first time I have seen him perform with his full band) (B)