Rory Gallagher - March 5, 1982 (AUD - RESEED - Low Quality - 120 Minutes Long) Salle des Fetes, Melun, France
2008 RESEED, with with a 2012 text file.
I'm always looking for uncirculated, alternate versions, upgrades, etc., of anything Rory Gallagher.
If you have any of those & can not share, please get them to someone who can do so - THX!!!
Rory Gallagher .... March 5, 1982
Salle des Fetes, Melun, France
Rory Gallagher Group: May 1981 - 1991
Rory Gallagher - guitar, vocals
Gerry McAvoy - bass
Brendan O'Neill - drums
Mark Feltham - harmonica
Taper, & Taping Equipment: ??unknown??
Source: AUD> trade cassettes (?unknown gen?)> ??unknown transfer equipment??> CDR> (wav) 2008 DAE with EAC (secure mode)> (flac) Trader's Little Helper level 6 (align on sector boundaries)
Transfer: Jerome Surmont (France). Thank you!!
Quality: "vg-" on 1st couple of tracks, then "vg" AUD, a bit muffled; quality gets better as the the show progresses, but still rough.
Length: 23 tracks = 119:14 minutes
Artwork: none.
Samples: none.
Set List:
Disc 1 (79:57m):
01 Moonchild (starts with some tape source problems)
02 Wayward Child
03 band intros, Bad Penny
04 Follow Me
05 I Wonder Who
06 Brute Force And Ignorance
07 Double Vision
08 Devil Made Me Do It (beg,; with some tape source problems)
(possible tape-flip area)
09 Devil Made Me Do It (cont'd)
10 Jinx
11 Tattoo'd Lady
12 Drinkin' Down The Bourbon
13 Out On The Western Plain
14 Nothin' But The Devil
Disc 2 (39:16m):
(3-5-82 part 2 = 7 tracks; 33:44 minutes)
01 Keychain
02 Philby
03 Shadow Play (beg.)
04 Shadow Play (cont'd) (encore audience cheer)
05 (slight cut in) Bullfrog Blues> Slow Down>
06 Bonie Moroney(!!)>
07 Reelin' & Rockin'(!!)
**** FILLER ****
March 5, 1982 Salle des Fetes, Melun, France
*** POSSIBLE OPENING ACT *** (5:31m)
01 You Don't Love Me
02 ?? (cut)
a - This has always traded as opening act, but I've never confirmed it.
b - If anyone has any information on these, it would be incredibly appreciated! Please?!! Yup, I'm begging, & I Ain't Too Proud Beg!
c - Also the last time I offered this, the great Dime member Phil (finkployd49 - #2283002 by at 2008-01-19 16:16:17 GMT) added this (THX!!!):
-- I have probably the master for this one; I have not posted it due to its low quality.
-- The trouble is that I used a Sennheiser MKE 2002 and this shitty (but expensive) microphone caused heavy distortion on my master. If the problem of this post is distortion, then it is problably my tape.
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Prepared by Jeff James (roryglzep@aol.com)