Rory Gallagher - March 30, 1991 (AUD - "Audio from Video fragments" - RESEED - "Last official gig with Gerry McAvoy & Brendan O'Neill, & Last U.S. gig" - 41 Minutes Long) Marquee Club, New York, New York, U.S.A.
Contrast Clause: Previously an offer was made at:
That previous offer was from an audio "AUD" Master, where this one is audio from two video sources.
These audio from video sources were transferred a while ago from VHS tape to analog cassette tapes (no lossy!!).
This is a 2008 RESEED, with a new 2013 text file.
I'm always looking for uncirculated, alternate versions, upgrades, etc., of anything Rory Gallagher.
If you have any of those & can not share, please get them to someone who can do so - THX!!!
Rory Gallagher .... March 30, 1991
Marquee Club, New York, New York, U.S.A.
Rory Gallagher Group; May 1981 - March 1991:
Rory Gallagher - guitar, vocals
Gerry McAvoy - bass
Brendan O'Neill - drums
Mark Feltham - harmonica
Taping Equipment: ??unknown??
Quality: vg/vg+ (from videos)
Source: AUD (VHS tape 1st gen from taper & unknown gen; 2 sources)> transferred to cassette tape (JAJ)> (wav) 2008 DAE with EAC (secure mode)> (flac) Trader's Little Helper level 6 (align on sector boundaries)
Taper First Video Source: Unfortunately I do not know, as I received in trade from unknown (maybe 3rd gen) gen tape.
Taper Second Video Source: Frank H's (New York, U.S.A.) master, traded me 1st gen VHS tape. Thank You!!
Transfer: The Cheeb (USA). Thank you!! AUD casettes to CDR (unknown equipment).
Length: 11 tracks = 40:19 minutes
Artwork: The Cheeb (USA). Thank You!! (also contains pictures from the actual concert/performance)
Samples: none.
Set List:
First Video Source (6 tracks = 31:22 minutes):
01 - Continental Op (end only)
02 - Moonchild
03 - I Wonder Who
04 - The Loop
05 - Tattoo'd Lady
06 - Off The Handle
Second Video Source (5 tracks = 8:56 minutes):
07 - (cuts in) Shinkicker
08 - A Million Miles Away (lots of cuts)
09 - Out On The Western Plain (lots of cuts)
10 - Empire State Express (fragment)
11 - Messin' With The Kid (fragment)
a - At the time I made this disc, I was only interested in documenting Rory's last U.S. Gig, as no other sources were available at that time. The master recording came later, via trade.
b - Previously when this was offered (2008), & also shown on the artwork, filler tracks from March 26, 1991 FM CILQ Radio; Toronto were included. There is an offer on the tracker with those tracks, & you may want to add those tracks as filler here before burning, if you'd like.
Support the band: Buy the officially released items, etc.
Prepared by Jeff James (
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: