Rory Gallagher - October 29, 1992 (AUD - from "Medicated Rory Goo" Traders CDR - 70 Total Minutes Long) Town & Country 2, London, England

This is a tough one for me to offer, but it needs to get out there & archived for all.
The reason this is a tough one, because for years many traders thought/assumed Rory was drunk at this performance, but in fact he was not.
It is actually well documented that he was medicated with prescription drugs, that were not taken properly, etc.
His brother & manager, Donal, can be seen on a video explaining the situation how a couple of prescriptions prescribed from different Doctors were taken at the same time, but never checked if they could/should be taken simultaneously.
Either way, please let it be known that Rory is not drunk in this performance & I only offer this out of great respect, & Rory is my all time favorite artist.

This is not a RESEED, but a newly prepared 2013 offer.
I'm always looking for uncirculated, alternate versions, upgrades, etc., of anything Rory Gallagher.
If you have any of those & can not share, please get them to someone who can do so - THX!!!

Rory Gallagher .... October 29, 1992
Town & Country 2, London, England

Rory Gallagher Group; 1991 - June 1995:
Rory Gallagher - guitar, vocals
Jim Livaton - keyboards
David Levy - bass
Richard Neuman - drums

Taper, Taping Equipment, & Trade: ??unknown??
Transfer: (probably) Ebby (Japan, THX!!!) of JAJ's (roryglzep) analog cassette tape.
Source: "AUD" trade cassettes (?unknown gen?)> (??unknown transfer equipment??) Trade CDR "Medicated Rory Goo" (JAJ created title)> (wav) 2008 DAE with EAC (secure mode)> (flac) Trader's Little Helper level 6 (align on sector boundaries)
Quality: "vg" AUD
Length: 9 tracks = 69:23 minutes
Artwork: included (made by Ebby (Japan, THX!!!).
Samples: none.

Set List:

01 - Continental Op
02 - Tattoo'd Lady
03 - (She's Got A) Mean Disposition
04 - Walkin' Blues
05 - Moonchild
06 - Shadow Play
07 - Out On The Western Plain
08 - I Could've Had Religion
09 - Messin' With The Kid

Support the band: Buy the officially released items, etc.

Prepared by Jeff James (