Rory Gallagher - December 13, 1994 (AUD - RESEED - 109 Minutes Long) La Medoquine, Bordeaux, France
This is a January 2006 RESEED, with all original files, & a new 2013 text file.
Previously I offered this as "Talence, France", as it commonly traded as, but the December 13, 1994 date it trades as, & during the show Rory mention "Bordeaux" I'm now offering this as Bordeaux, France.
I'm always looking for uncirculated, alternate versions, upgrades, etc., of anything Rory Gallagher.
If you have any of those & can not share, please get them to someone who can do so - THX!!!
Rory Gallagher .... December 13, 1994
La Medoquine, Bordeaux, France
Rory Gallagher Group; 1991 - June 1995:
Rory Gallagher - guitar, vocals
John Cook - keyboards
David Levy - bass
Richard Neuman - drums
Mark Feltham - harmonica (guesting)
Taper, & Taping Equipment: ??unknown??
Quality: vg (AUD, with some tape source problems)
Source: "AUD" ??unknown Gen?? Trade CDR> (wav) 2005 DAE with EAC (secure mode)> (flac) Flac Frontend level 8 (align on sector boundaries)
Transfer: Jerome Surmone (France) of/from JAJ's (roryglzep) analog cassette tape. Thank you!!
NOTE: I have not altered or remastered this recording in any way. This recording is exactly how I received the cassette analog tapes, years ago.
Length: 13 tracks = 108:37 minutes
Artwork: Ebby (Japan). Thank you!!
Samples: none.
Set List:
Disc One (8 tracks = 64:33 minutes):
01 - intro, tuning
02 - Continental Op
03 - Moonchild
04 - Band Intros, Don't Start Me Talkin' (incl. Revolution)
05 - Ghost Blues
06 - I Could've Had Religion
07 - Tattoo'd Lady (at 4:05m mark music skips ahead into another part of song .... may be a previous tape-flip (45m mark) section)
08 - I Wonder Who> The Loop
Disc Two (5 tracks = 44:04 minutes):
01 - Out On The Western Plain
02 - Amazin' Grace> Walkin' Blues
03 - (cuts in) A Million Miles Away
04 - Shadow Play
05 - Messin' With The Kid
Note: This trades as December 13, 1994 "Talence, France", but Rory mentions "is been a long time since playing here in Bordeux", so I'm changing the location to Bordeaux, France, which he did play on December 13, 1994.
Support the band: Buy the officially released items, etc., & keep Rory's music living on!!!
Prepared by Jeff James (
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: