Band: Gerry McAvoy's Band of Friends
Venue: Reigen
City: Wien/Vienna
Country: Austria
Date: Thursday, 12th November 2015
Bootleg Title: Tattoo'd Ladies
Taper: HighVoltage
Recording Equipment: Olympus LS-10 Linear PCM Recorder
Mic Position: on table
Location: about 1,5 m from the stage, right
Recorder Settings: Mic Sens low, Low Cut off, Mic Zoom Set Wide, Level: Manual, Limiter Off
Audience: ~100
Lineage: Olympus LS-10 (PCM WAV 44.1kHz/16bit) (internal Mics) , -> PC -> Nero Wave Editor -> FLAC Level 6
Edits: general volume adaption, equalizer, fade-in & fade out, track split, flac level 6, reduced volume of a few loud audience shouts between/after/during songs
I have not added the fades between the 2 Discs, I thought you might enjoy the concert in full - if you want to burn it to CD, just add them yourself!
Special Notes & How to identify my recording:
I was at the Reigen, a small(-ish) music club/restaurant with tables and some standing sections, half a year before and during a chat with a stranger next to me about my recent visits there, I was told that they would play there again in November (I mentioned seeing the Band of Friends on Nov 1st 2013 there for the first time, which I'd actually found out by accident, too, only seeing 'Gerry McAvoy's Band...' on the event itinerary on their homepage, thinking "I know this guy...!" - and I just noticed that I haven't prepared this recording for sharing yet.)! Hardly any advertisement (except in and outside the club and on its homepage), so the club was far from sold out - but the ones that were there enjoyed it immensely! After all, this is the next best thing to Rory himself resurrecting!
This time in 2015 I met two girls from Carinthia that I've known for a while, they were the "Tattoo'd Ladies" which gave this bootleg its title. One thing you can't hear is, Gerry took one of them on stage for a short dance at the beginning of 'Bullfrog Blues' when he was not yet playing bass (At the time later on in the set we were all standing and jumping at the front. Well, we were just a meter away from the table, anyway.).
At the beginning, Gerry welcomes us with "Guten Abend, good evening!" and "We play some Folk music tonight" and I quietly ask "Irish?!". At the beginning of 'Do you read me?' Gerry says "C'mon Vienna, help us out with your hands in the air!" and introduces the band. During the quiet part in the song you can hear Gerry whispering "Quiet!" from the stage to our table. During the bulid-up he shouts "Can you hear us?" four times (from the stage, not through his mic/the PA), and there's a whistle at 7:42. After 'Do you read me?" he says "Ok, Vienna!... That's one for you from M�nchen, Germany!" (referring to where it was recorded), and after the song ('Moonchild') he shouts "Alles klar? Alles gut?" ("Everything alright? Everything good?"). After 'Calling Card' he says "Dankesch�n, dankesch�n!" and that they'll do something that they haven't done for some time now and asks his bandmates "What record was Mississippi Sheiks on?" (not through the PA) and one of the girls next to me shouts "Photo Finish!" twice, and Gerry answers "Oh, Photo Finish, well done! Can I have a drink, a bottle Champaign, please for the lady! ... She helped me out of trouble... Dankesch�n! Thank you very much! It was from Photo Finish, I knew that all the time... And it's called..." and you can hear me saying "Mississippi Sheiks!?!", somebody else from further back can be heard saying "Shinkicker!", before he says "Mississippi Sheiks!". After it he gives out a toast, saying "Prost!" and we answer it back twice and he jokingly says to his water "Vodka!" (and you can hear me saying about my drink: "Beer!"). Then he asks "How're we doin' tonight, Vienna?!" twice, before he asks "Do you wanna hear some Blues?". We shout yeah, but he says "No, no, no, no...Thursday night...let's make a Friday, let's make a Saturday... Samstag!" and repeats the question twice. At 4:48 in 'Off the Handle' he asks "Are you with us? ... Vienna, do you have the blues? ... No no no... Vienna, do you got the blues?" before he hands over to Ted McKenna on the drums. During the intro of 'Bought and sold' Gerry shouts "Alles klar?!". Before he announces one of their own songs he says "We're gonna do something a little bit different, if you bear with us!" and mentiones their CD "and we'd like to do a couple of songs from the CD. Alles klar, okay?" and introduces us to the man at the back, at the merchandise stand, Wally. After 'Philby' he says "Dankesch�n!". At 4:10 into 'Shadow Play' Gerry says "Dankesch�n, Vienna!" and then "So let me say gute Nacht, Dankesch�n, vielen Dank!" ("...good night, thank you, many thanks!") and after he introduced the band and himself "... and myself on the bass guitar, Mr Gerry McAvoy, dankesch�n!" and then (pointing upwards) "Mr. Rory Gallagher! Vienna!". When they start the closing chords of 'Shadow Play' for the first time at 7:06 he shouts "Dankesch�n!". During the encore shouts Gerry asks "Noch einen?... Noch zwei?" ("Another one?... Another two?" and right before 'Succubus' starts someone in the audience shouts "Laundromat!" and before the song starts with the guitar riff he counts in in German "Eins, zwei,... eins, zwei, drei, vier!". At the first ending of 'Bullfrog Blues' at 3:20 he shouts "Thank you Wien, thank you Vienna!" and "Mr. Rory Gallagher, dankesch�n!". After the end he says "Dankesch�n Vienna, we'll see you again!".
Soundquality: clear audience recording with good sound, with little interference from the audience 9/10
Disc 1:
01 Intro (0:48)
02 Cradle Rock (5:14)
03 The Last of the Independents (4:59)
04 Do you read me? (8:59)
05 Moonchild (5:42)
06 Calling Card (7:52)
07 Mississippi Sheiks (6:21)
08 Off the Handle (11:20)
09 Bought and sold (6:25)
Disc 2:
10 Sing it with the Band (3:25)
11 Leap of Faith (4:23)
12 Philby (4:08)
13 Tattoo'd Lady (6:29)
14 Bad Penny (8:30)
15 Shadow Play (9:17)
16 Succubus (4:28)
17 Bullfrog Blues (5:50)
Enjoy this recording anyway you want (I have both the flac- and the mp3 version), share it, but please keep my notes and the album art together with the audio files!
DON'T SELL - only free sharing or trading!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: