Rosanne Cash
Cincinatti Ohio
Second Set
soundboard recording (FM, PRE-FM?)
This is not the streaming version found posted on-line in several places. That is the Wolfgang's
version. This is from a radio broadcast with an announcer. These files were on my hard drive
and I am not sure of the source or lineage. Not sure if FM or PRE-FM.
MD5 file changed due to the file title not meeting Dime title requirements of date format, and track titles added.
Info file changed with more information and deletion of some inaccurate info. Files look clean on a spectrum analyzer.
The first cut says the show is sponsored by Strohs. If anyone knows the source, please add it.
I'm guessing it is an ABC Radio Networks or foreign show, but I don't think it is Silver Eagle.
01 Rainin'
02 Baby Better Start Turning 'Em Down
03 Right Or Wrong
04 Blue Moon With Heartache
05 Seven Year Ache
06 Hometown Blues
07 Man Smart, Woman Smarter
08 Seeing's Believing
09 No Memories Hanging 'Round
10 Oh Yes I Can
11 My Baby Thinks He's A Train
12 What Kinda' Girl