Roy Ayers
WWOZ Jazz Tent
New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival
New Orleans Fair Grounds
New Orleans, La.
May 2, 2013

1 3:42
2 Night in Tunisia 17:32
3 We Live in Brooklyn 9:43
4 7:02
5 Everybody Loves the Sunshine 8:10
6 13:56
7 9:03

Source: WWOZ 90.7-FM broadcast > RadioShark v2.0.2 > Macintosh MacMini (2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) > aiff > Quicktime 7.6.3 (convert aiff to wav) > wav > flac v1.2.1 (linux command line; level 8 compression) > flac file

Transfer: flac file (transferred by ftp from remote pc) > MacBook Pro (2.5 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo) > X Audio Compression Toolkit 2.23 (convert to aiff) > aiff > Bias Peak Pro (trimmed, normalized by 4.5 db, split into songs) > X Audio Compression Toolkit 2.23 (sector boundaries repaired; level 8 compression) > flac

There is some relatively minor FM reception noise (static) occasionally.