Roy Harper
Rock Cafe 2000
Stourbridge, UK
January 30, 2005
Lineage: DPA4060 > MPS6030 > JB3 line in > WAV (44.1kHZ)
Location: DFC, 5m from stage (seated)
Transfer: USB > WAV > Audacity 1.2.0 (linux; normalisation and
splitting) > WAV > flac 1.1.0 (linux: "flac -V -8 *.wav")
Please do not convert into mp3 or other lossy formats.
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Roy Harper: guitars, vocals
Matt Churchill: lead guitar
Tonight, Rich King opened followed by Matt Churchill (solo set)
followed by Roy Harper + Matt Churchill. All performances were taped.
Disc 1 - Set 1:
01 intro 3:14
02 Don't you grieve 3:43
03 banter 2:03
04 Another day 3:37
05 banter 1:46
06 Naked flame 5:38
07 banter 1:32
08 Commune 5:16
09 banter 3:57
10 When an old cricketer leaves the crease 7:14
11 banter 3:35
12 The death of god 14:19
13 outro 1:13
[Total: 57:13]
Disc 2 - Set 2:
01 intro 7:21
02 Candide 6:12
03 banter 3:47
04 Punch and judy 6:23
05 banter 5:50
06 Highway blues 6:57
07 banter 4:39
08 Me and my woman 16:04
09 banter 4:41
10 Twelve hours of sunset 5:46
11 outro 3:54
[Total: 71:38]
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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