Royal Southern Brotherhood, Montauban-Fr Rio Grande, Crossing roads tour 18 october 2014, SM aud master
The Crossing Roads tour 2014 is a show featuring 3 bands : RS Brotherhood, Neal Black and Jesus Volt.
It was built for 7 nights in France (from 17 to 25 october, they also have a gig in England during this period).
I went to the Montauban stop and recorded the 3 acts; Neal Black will be ul in a few days (excellent show) and Jesus Volt too if somebody ask.
The RSB show was not very long because they shared the stage with others.
Maybe this his the first show uploaded with the new member, Bart Walker, replacing Mike Zito (he had a pure southern rock look, see the pictures).
They opened the balcony only for a couple of young persons having a baby in a pushchair, so i went upstairs discreetly and made my recordings with no noise around the mics (the baby slept quietly, nevermind the music level ...).
Gear : 2 x DPA 4099 supercard mics - DAD6001 - Zoom H4N (48/24), phantom on.
Downsampled 44/16 wav to PC, Audacity (tracks, volume, a bit of eq), FLAC (TLH).
Devon Allman, guitar and vocals
Cyril Neville, percussions and vocals
Bart Walker, guitar and vocals
Charlie Wooton, bass and vocals
Yonrico Scott, drums and vocals
01 Intro
02 Running water
03 Moonlight over the Mississippi
04 Groove on
06 Fired up
07 Talk
08 Back to you
09 Talk
11 Rock'n'Roll
13 Audience and band intro
14 Classic riffs - One way out
15 Band salute, outro
16 Bonus : Soundcheck
Sample in comments.
A flyer and some photos are added.
Ul by letsgo on october 2014.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
RoyalSouthernBrotherhood2014-09-18RioGrandeMontaubanFrance (2).JPG
RoyalSouthernBrotherhood2014-09-18RioGrandeMontaubanFrance (3).JPG
RoyalSouthernBrotherhood2014-09-18RioGrandeMontaubanFrance (4).JPG
RoyalSouthernBrotherhood2014-09-18RioGrandeMontaubanFrance (5).JPG
RoyalSouthernBrotherhood2014-09-18RioGrandeMontaubanFrance (6).JPG
RoyalSouthernBrotherhood2014-09-18RioGrandeMontaubanFrance (7).JPG
RoyalSouthernBrotherhood2014-09-18RioGrandeMontaubanFrance (8).JPG
RoyalSouthernBrotherhood2014-09-18RioGrandeMontaubanFrance (9).JPG