Rufus Wainwright
Belly Up
Solano Beach, CA
April 27, 2024
** 24 BIT **
Source: CA-11 cardioids > SP-SPSB-10 battery box > Sony PCM-M10 @ 24 bit/48 kHz
Mastering: .WAV > iZotope RX10 Advanced v10.0.0.1705 (De-click) > Sound Forge Pro 14.0 Build 140 [minor edits, normalize, & fades, WAVES PS22 plug-in (gentle stereo enhancer, Boz Digital
Labs T-Bone2 plug-in (tilt EQ)] > CDWav (tracking) > Trader's Little Helper (level 5) > FLAC > TagScanner 6.1.16 (tagging)
Recorded by: ManOfStealth
Mastered by: Dennis Orr
Setlist: (1:22:18)
01 Grey Gardens
02 Chat
03 Vibrate
04 Out Of The Game
05 Chat & Tuning
06 He Loved
07 Peaceful Afternoon
08 The Art Teacher
09 Chat
10 Old Song >
11 Early Morning Madness
12 Gay Messiah
13 Chat
14 Ready For Battle
15 Chat
16 So Long, Marianne
17 Poses
18 Millbrook
19 Chat
20 Zebulon
21 Cigarettes And Chocolate Milk
22 Encore Break
- Encore -
23 Going To A Town
24 Hallelujah
Rufus Wainwright - vocals, piano, & guitar
Mastering Notes:
Unfortunately there were many dropouts in the right channel due to a bad imput jack in the recorder. As a result, I copied the good left channel over the right to create a dual mono
file. I then added 25 milliseconds of silence at the start of the right channel to simulate a stereo effect, then used the WAVES PS22 plug-in and its gentle stereo enhancer option.