8 December 1982
Nassau Coliseum, Uniondale, New York
Source: Audience (Analog Master)
Bootleg Title: "Electronic Countermeasures"
This recording was undoubtedly running way too slow during the first several tracks, gradually speeding up further in. The songs felt somewhat sluggish and Geddy's voice was too deep.
After comparing details with a few other Signals tour recordings, I've made various speed adjustments to make this recording sound as accurate as I possibly could. Definite improvement.
Track Listing:
01 - Intro
02 - The Spirit Of Radio
03 - Tom Sawyer
04 - Freewill
05 - Digital Man
06 - Subdivisions
07 - Vital Signs
08 - The Camera Eye
09 - Closer To The Heart
10 - Chemistry
11 - The Analog Kid
12 - Broon's Bane / The Trees
13 - Red Barchetta
14 - The Weapon
15 - New World Man
16 - Limelight
17 - Countdown
18 - 2112: Overture / Temples Of Syrinx
19 - Xanadu
20 - La Villa Strangiato
21 - In The Mood
22 - YYZ / Drum Solo
This is the first of two consecutive nights Rush played at Nassau Coliseum in 1982.
Original Notes:
A very clean and clear sounding recording, just lacking in the the fidelity as it is somewhat compressed sounding.
This show is nearly complete with no edits, dropouts or missing songs. It is rather surprising how rare recordings without edits really are.
The audience around the taper is well behaved, but the overall roar of the crowd can be somewhat deafening at times.
But that only happens at the end of songs, just like you were at the show. This is a very rare source that was graciously donated for remastering.
Coming from the original master cassettes, this recording has very little if any tape hiss.
Other than the rarity of the first night at Nassau, the show is in the middle of the pack of Signals shows.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: