Bigger and Better in Texas
The Summit
Houston, Tx
Source: Soundboard Clone of DAT Master
Most likely you have heard, or at least heard about, this soundboard recording from the first leg of the Test For Echo tour. The source for this release is closer to the master than anything previously circulated. Therefore, it has a much cleaner, fuller and brighter sound. It is the complete show with excellent stereo sound quality. This is a must have for any collection.
Some have said this source is a ALD (Assisted Listening Device) others have claimed it's a true sound board. This is the second version of this I have received, the first did sound like an ALD device, this one however sounds like a true sound board.
Disc 1
2001 Intro
The Big Money
Half The World
Red Barchetta
The Trees
Disc 2
Red Sector
Nobody's Hero
Closer to the Heart
Disc 3
Test for Echo
Roll the Bones
Leave That Thing Alone
The Rhythm Method
Natural Science
Force Ten
The Spirit of Radio
Tom Sawyer
YYZ/Cygnus X-1
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: