November 4, 2002
Gund Arena
Cleveland, OH, USA
Audience recording
FLAC 16-bit/44.1khz

"Dave's Source #4"
Previously uncirculated

Digital Rush Experience link: n/a

Set list

disc 1
101 Tom Sawyer (quick fade-in)
102 Distant Early Warning
103 New World Man
104 Roll the Bones
105 Earthshine
106 YYZ
107 The Pass
108 Bravado
109 The Big Money
110 Vital Signs
111 Freewill

disc 2
201 Natural Science
202 One Little Victory
203 Driven
204 Ghost Rider
205 Secret Touch
206 Dreamline
207 Red Sector A
208 Leave That Thing Alone
209 Drum Solo
210 Resist

disc 3
301 2112: Overture
302 2112: Temples of Syrinx
303 Limelight
304 La Villa Strangiato
305 The Voting Song
306 The Spirit of Radio
307 By-Tor and the Snow Dog
308 Cygnus X-1
309 Working Man


2002 live taping / 2023 final conversion to FLAC by Dave I.
2003 conversion from DAT to CDR at local studio

2002 live recording:
Sony TCD-D8 portable DAT > Aiwa CM-T7 mic > DAT master in LP MODE*
> taped from floor seating, approximately 20-30 rows back from the stage
on Alex's side

2003 transfer at local studio:
master DAT > Sony DAT deck DTC-790 via RCA analog connection
> analog rack EQ (unknown make/model) > analog connection
> Denon CDR deck (I think it was model CDR-W1500)

2023 final conversion:
> CDRs > Asus DRW-24F1ST > EAC 1.6 (secure, read offset corrected) > WAV
> Audacity > volume adjustment, track separation
> I didn't mess with the EQing originally done during the studio transfer
> FLAC 1.4.2: level 8, aligned on sector boundaries

* Recording in LP mode was a bit of a "whoops", but the sound doesn't seem to have
suffered because of it. Honestly, I don't think my mic's range reached higher than
around 16khz anyway.


I barely made it to my seat in time, so I missed the intro and the very first
beats of 'Tom Sawyer', but there are no other issues. After all the cuts in my
1996 recording from Cleveland, I was determined not to lose anything this time.

I had a local studio in 2003 do a basic analog transfer off my DAT to their
standalone CDR deck. They worked up a pretty decent EQ curve and burned the
show straight to disc so I'd have something to listen to right away. My
original tape was lost during a move shortly after, so I've had these CDRs for
several decades now and have kept them stored carefully.


Here are three recordings I know of from this show:

Hanging With the Working Men
Coin Operated
Driven By The Dragon

There's also "Raw Source", which I believe comes from "Coin Operated".

If there's just one recording to have from that night, my vote is for
"Driven By The Dragon" by Saltshaker. It's just a great, solid, clean
recording and you can't go wrong with it.

Salt and I both were in floor seating, though I was off more toward
Alex's side.

So, buckle up! Here comes "Dave's Source #4"!

My gear was pretty mid level. I taped a lot of death metal shows and my rig was
constantly getting banged up from taping too close to the mosh pits. I never
invested massive amounts of cash in my gear, as I expected the DAT recorder
would eventually get knocked out of my hand for the last time. This is one
of the last shows the TCD-D8 recorded before it finally died, and of all the
live shows I've taped of any band, this night in Cleveland is the best recording
I've ever done. I never taped Rush again, knowing there was no way the stars
would align like this a second time.

My seat in the floor area is in a sweet spot that makes this a good show for
headphones. You can hear Alex's guitar panning smoothly left-to-right at times
(the intro to 'Vital Signs') and some of Neil's fills move across his kit in
obvious stereo. 'Vital Signs' is fiery, Alex's solo section at the end of
'Bravado' is otherworldly. The new songs rage alongside the old; it's just a
great show all around. The crowd doesn't interfere much, but when they do, it's
hard not to be excited too.

I've titled Alex's 'La Villa' rant of the night as 'The Voting Song' and it's
the icing on the cake here. That November 4th was mid-term election day for us
Americans and he had his finger on the pulse of the nation in a manner so profound
(or insane) that it might've even semi de-polarized America of 2023 for at least
a couple of minutes. Then it became a thing about voting for Batman, which then
morphed into yet ANOTHER THING where he addressed long standing concerns about
Batman's sidekick, namely: "Robin, what the hell are you wearing?!", sung
over 'La Villa' without missing a beat.

If you search the web for Rush's opinions on bootlegs, somewhere there's an excerpt
where Geddy ponders the possibility of having a taper's section at their shows.
Given how many great recordings have come from this show (and I hope more pop up),
perhaps we can say the Gund Arena as a whole was the "taper's section" that
November night!

- Dave
November 04, 2023

** Rest in peace, Neil. Thank you for everything. **

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