The Amphitheatre at
Tampa, Florida USA
October 1, 2010

Taper: Bluntforcetrauma
Lineage: DPA 4022>sonosax sx-m2(Oade mod 6DB)Edirol r-09
Conversion: PB>Peak>24bit/48.0khz dithered>16bit/44.1khz>SBE>xact

version 1

24 bit version available

Disc 1
1. The "Real" History of Rush, Act 1 (intro short film)
2. The Spirit of Radio
3. Time Stand Still
4. Presto
5. Geddy Talk
6. Stick It Out
7. Workin' Them Angels
8. Leave That Thing Alone
9. Faithless
10. Geddy Talk
11. BU2B
12. Freewill
13. Marathon
14. Subdivisions

Disc 2
1. The "Real" History of Rush, Act 2 (intro short film)
2. Tom Sawyer
3. Red Barchetta
4. YYZ
5. Limelight
6. The Camera Eye
7. Witch Hunt
8. Vital Signs
9. Caravan
10. Drum solo

Disc 3
1. Guitar solo
2. Closer to the Heart
3. 2112 (Overture/The Temples Of Syrinx)
4. Far Cry
5. La Villa Strangiato
6. Working Man
7. I Still Love You Man (outro short film)
8. Closer to the Heart (polka version)
