BOK Center Section 111
Tulsa, OK
May 8, 2015
Tascam DR-05 > Audacity > WAV > Trader's Little Helper > FLAC
To start: I am designating this boot as Rush BOK Center Section 111 to differentiate it from at least one other boot made from this show. This was the first show on Rush's R40 tour. The show went off very well! Very little in the way of flubs or technical problems. Two that come to mind: Neil flubbed a chime note at the end of Xanadu, and someone forgot to turn on Geddy's bass at the beginning of Lakeside Park. But again only minor issues.
I have included some pics I took that may be used as liner notes for those so inclined! This boot is dedicated to taper Matthew Pickett R.I.P.
Disc 1 (72:04)
Intro montage
Clockwork Angels
The Anarchist
Headlong Flight
Far Cry
The Main Monkey Business
One Little Victory
Roll The Bones
Distant Early Warning
Intermission - No Country For Old Hens
Disc 2 (79:56)
Tom Sawyer
Red Barchetta
The Spirit of Radio
Jacob's Ladder
Hemispheres: Prelude
Cygnus X-1 (part 1)
- Neil Solo -
Cygnus X-1 (part 2)
Closer to the Heart
2112 (Overture, Temples, Presentation, Grand Finale)
Lakeside Park
What You're Doing
Working Man
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: