Russian Circles
Wednesday, March 5th, 2014
Wonder Ballroom
128 NE Russell Street,
Portland, OR, USA
Taper: LeifH
Source: CA-11 (cardioid) > CA-Bat2B > Sony PCM M10 @ 24/48 > Duracell 8GB microSD card
Transfer: Memory card > PC via USB > Wavepad Master's Edition (edits, amplify, tracking, downsample to 16/44.1) > flac (8) via Frontend
Setlist: 1:22:55
00 intro
01 309
02 Harper Lewis
03 1777
04 Geneva
05 Schiphol
06 Deficit
07 Carpe
08 Burial
09 Ml�dek
10 Youngblood
I barely got to the venue in time for this show, missed the opening bands altogether. Kind of a cool venue in a semi-residential neighbourhood, but seemed to be full of stuck up hipsters. Mostly a sausage fest, not too many ladies there. And the bar next door is bunk. I had never really heard this band before, I just decided to go since I was in town, it was cheap, and close to where I stayed.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: