Ryan Montbleau Band
Rubber Soul
Winston-Salem, NC

Source: SBD>JB3@44.1k
Transfer:JB3>Nomad>Audacity 1.2.4>CDwave>FLAC

Taped and Transfered by Travis Viars

Disc 1
1. Intro
2. Pleasure Fields
3. Quickie
4. Having A Good Time>
5. Inspired by No One
6. Small Doses
7. Already There
8. Love &Love Lost
9. Grain of Sand

Disc 2
1. Intro
2. Just Perfect
3. Don't Think Twice
4. Love You Just the Same
5. One Fine Color
6. Tuesday Morning
7. Honeymoon Eyes>
8. I'm So Good in Bed>
9. Folsom Prison Blues>
10.Honeymoon Eyes