Ryan Montbleau Band
Fairfield Theater Company Stage One
Fairfield, CT

Neuman KM 184>V2>Oade BCM Marantz PMD 671>wav
Wav> SF Mac (resample, fades, tracking)Ozone 5>xAct>flac

Jesse Dee opened

Set 1:
01. 75 and Sunny
02. Stretch
03. You Crazy You
04. Chariot (I Know)
05. Here but I'm Gone
06. Dead Set
07. Grain of Sand
08. Here et al.

Set 2:
01. Burning and Hiding
02. Head Above Water
03. Let's Dance *
04. Any Blues →
05. Love Songs
06. Neutron Dance
07. Sweet, Nice 'n' High
08. Glad
09. Yeah Man
10. Driving Wheel ^
11. Rewrite
12. For Once in My Life ~ →
13. City ~

* with Luke Milanese on guitar
^ with Johnny Trama on guitar
~ with Jesse Dee on vocals

split disks between tracks set2t4 and set2t5

Great Night! Two great acts, thanks for ringing in the New Years for us!