Sam Baker w Chip Dolan
11th October 2012
Recorded almost in front of right speaker stack, second row. Some overspill noise from bar and crisp munchers
SP-CMC-2 > Sony PCM10.micro SD card> BigDee>mastering (Harbal/Sound Forge/Wavelab)>.flac>Foobar for tags
Some songs are new so the titles might change by the time they get recorded. Sam is excellently supported by multi instrumentalist Chip and also by his lovely tour manager Rebecca Kemp as his "wife" on "Iron". Rebeccca also tour manages Larkin Poe, Madison Violet and Gretchen Peters as well as many others. Sam states quite often that he will stop talking so much at gigs. I hope he never does stop talking as his gigs are all unique. He is one of the very, very few that actually ad lib whilst on stage and it makes all his performances very special and also very wonderful. Most people leave with a big smile on their face.
Many thanks as usual to BigDee for doing the honours with the mastering of this recording
Set 1
Total Play Time (55.39)
1. Tuning and Hi (1.06)
2. Not Another Mary (3.45)
3. Chat (1.05)
4. White Heat (4.42)
5. Chat about Songs (3.50)
6. Mennonite (3.35)
7. Chat and Spare Head Extract (2.37)
8. Say Grace (4.12)
9. Chat (1.06)
10. Change (4.34)
11. Chat (1.35)
12. Precious Jewels (4.23)
13. Chat (0.50)
14. The Tattoo Woman(5.05)
15. Chat (0.54)
16. Isn't Love Great, Isn't Love Grand (3.00)
17. Chat and Introduce Chip Dolan (2.56)
18. Odessa (6.22)
Set 2
Total Play Time (71.34)
1. Baseball (4.20)
2. Palestine (5.53)
3. Chat and requests (1.15)
4. Waves (5.49)
5. Chat (1.33)
6. Steel (3.32)
7. Chat and Introduce Rebecca (2.53)
8. Iron (with Rebecca Kemp) (4.48)
9. Sweetly Undone (3.58)
10. Chat (1.17)
11. Orphan (3.57)
12. Chat (1.44)
13. Pony (3.54)
14. Cotton (4.42)
15. Chat (0.35)
16. Pretty World (3.36)
17. Chat about Forgiveness (0.54)
18. Snow (7.13)
19. Chat and Tuning (0.59)
20. Juarez (3.43)
21. Chat (0.19)
22. Drive On (Johnny Cash) (4.39)
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