Sam Holt Band Presents Remembering Michael Houser and Todd Nance
Avondale Brewing Company
Birmingham, AL
Source: SBD + Schoeps MK4(ortf) > KC5 > CMC6 > Lunatec V3 + Schoeps MK41(dina) > KC5 > CMC6 > Lunatec V3 > Tascam DR-680(24/96)
Location: fob/dfc/foh
Transfer: Tascam DR-680 > ThinkPad > Magix Samlpitude 2020(6-Channel > 2-Channel) > Sony Sound Forge 7.0(Fade/EQ/Resample/Bit-Depth) > CD WAVE > TLH(Level 8)
Taped and seeded by Jesse McAlister
Disc 1
01. Can't Change the Past
02. A of D
03. E on a G >
04. Sandbox >
05. Diner Jam >
06. Counting Train Cars
07. 90
08. Walkin' (For Your Love) >
09. Walkin' (For Your Love) Jam >
10. Gunner
11. Gimme
12. Ain't Life Grand
Disc 2
01. This Part of Town >
02. The Waker >
03. The Waker Jam >
04. Mercy Train to Bogart >
05. Hatfield Jam
06. Smoke and Burn (aka Burned Faceless) >
07. Happy
08. L.A.
09. You Got Yours >
10. Bass and Drums >
11. You Got Yours
12. Airplane >
13. Take Off Jam
Disc 3
01. Porch Song
02. Thank-you's
03. You'll Be Fine
04. Clinic Cynic
[Piano Sonata No. 16(Piano sonata by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) played during the pause of 'Walkin' (For Your Love)'; 'Tie Your Shoes'
tease after 'Walkin' Jam']
Sam Holt - guitar, vocals
Adam Grace - keyboard, vocals
Ross Parker - bass
Jeremy Ward - drums, vocals
All Events LLC
Sound Engineer: Jon Kelley
Lighting Technician: Bill Morris
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: