Samsara Blues Experiment
AN Club, Athens, GREECE
Source: Audience
Lineage: Edirol R-09 (w/ internal mics) > WAV (16-bit, 44.1kHz) > Cool Edit 96
(fades, cuts, amplified right channel to 90%) > Sony Sound Forge 7.0
(EQ: rolled-off freqs <150 Hz, reduced freqs from 150Hz to 300Hz,
boosted mid range by +1db, +11db gain) > CD Wave > TLH > FLAC
Disc 1 (73:31)
01 Intro
02 Singata Mystic Queen >
03 Flipside Apocalypse
04 For The Lost Souls
05 Into The Black
06 Midnight Boogie
07 Center Of The Sun
08 Waiting For The Flood (new song - title track from the upcoming record)
Disc 2 (57:10)
01 (unknown)
02 Double Freedom
03 (encore break)
04 Army Of Ignorance
05 Outside Insight Blues
Christian Peters Guitar, vocals
Hans Eiselt Guitar
Richard Behrens Bass
Thomas Vedder Drums
Sold-out show. Second show in less than a year in Athens. The first one was held
in a much smaller venue, which was also sold out back in June 2012.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: