Olympia, Paris
April 25 1971
contrast clause 1 - by "pittylabelle":
... and to make things worse:
Also the corrected version from "davies51" has still errors:
In comment #2420238 "musikcah" wrote something like this:
"i have also fixed some sector boundaries errors with Trader's Little Helper"
well, a file (sbe.txt) was included which specifies what needs to be done to
fix the sbes, but it doesn't seem like those changes were actually made.
to make the changes, you need to uncheck "Preview w/o making changes" in TLH.
Changes were NOT made... "futura" ran it thru TLH and it showed the Sector Boundry Errors still present.
contrast clause 1 - by "davies51":
the previous torrent posted by metro cubo
was out of phase and sampled at 48.000 Hz; i have fixed the phase with Adobe Audition 3 and resampled at 44.100 Hz applying an anti-alias filter.
i have also fixed some sector boundaries errors with Trader's Little Helper
the final result is quite good to my ears, in any case i will post a sample so you will judge for yourselves
here's the original text file (thanks metro cubo for such a great show!!)
LDB Master Series #125
Hello, this is a collection of masters I would like to seed here. I've been taping shows for more than 20 years and have an
awful lot of masters. Most of them are in the old cassette format, some others are on MiniDisc and others are on CD. I've
taped many shows of many artists over the years, so don't be surprised if you will find many different artists taped! Some
shows are already circulating, some others have not circulated through collectors yet. But most of all, enjoy!
They all come from my masters!
Paris, Olympia
25 April 1971
'Escaping From Destruction'
01.Jungle Strut (fades in) (3:18)
02.Taboo (5:03)
03.Toussaint L'Overture / (6:43)
04.Evil Ways (4:33)
05.Soul Sacrifice (13:58)
06.Samba Pa Ti (4:05)
07.Black Magic Woman / Gypsy Queen (6:16)
08.Oye Como Va (4:14)
09.Savor / Percussions solo / Jingo (reprise) (8:58)
TT: 56:58
Lineage: Teac A3340S > Edirol R-09 > HD via USB > SoundForge 7.0 > CD Wave >FLAC Frontend (level 6)
Carlos Santana - guitars, vocals, percussions
Coke Escovedo - percussions
David Brown - bass
Michael Carabello - percussions
Jose "Chepito" Areas - percussions
Neal Schon - guitars
Gregg Rolie - keyboards, vocals
Michael Shrieve - drums
Of course I did not tape this one myself, I was too young at that time. But this nice concert - although incomplete - enters
in my Master Series because what you hear is sourced from the original reel recorded by Europe 1. What happened is that a
big amount of reels was saved from being trashed about 10 years ago because they were moving to another location and needed
more room. What a waste! But fortunately a friend's friend was ther in time to take as many reels as he could. Unfortunately
he could not really choose what to take, and he ended up having incomplete shows as well. He then gave some of the reels to
my friend in order to transfer them since he has a nice, working, Teac A3340S player. But also my friend did not have any
way to transfer the reels into digital, so we used my R-09 to connect to the Teac and transfer the content of this Santana
show into files. I have done the rest of the work and - under my friends' approval - I am able to share this with you. So
this is the original, truly pre-FM - version of this show. I think this was recorded in mono, although I have no evidence
of it. I have never seen this show surfacing and I doubt it has ever been re-broadcast ever since.
From the technical point of view, I had to to quite a lot of work and the edit of this show took me several days. The recording
level goes up and down, probably because the sound engineer was trying to compensate low and loud bits. I have worked with
the volume in single tracks to make this difference less noticeable. For example, Samba Pa Ti was extremely low compared to
the rest of the show.
For the history book, Europe 1 had a special agreement with the Olympia and they have taped hundreds of shows during the 70's
in the that venue. Some of them were broadcast, some were not or only partially or maybe this Santana show is totally
unreleased...I don't know. The date noted here is the one marked on the reel box, so I think it is accurate. unfortunately
just one reel was available (probably part 2).
If I get the permission, I may seed some other gems of this collection that escaped from destruction (hence the title of
this seed).
Enjoy! The performance is stellar.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: