The Roxy
West Hollywood, California
June 11, 1992 [1992-06-11]
Private Roxy show played after the Arsenio Hall Show
A Goody Speed/Pitch-adjusted Remaster/Reconstruction via grner1 and HermanLR
Source #1:
Lineage: Soundboard plus 2 x Sennheiser 421 mics mounted near stage side fill speakers toward the audience for ambience (live matrix mix) > unknown house recorder > TDK SA-X 100 cassette master (Dolby off). (Thanks to David Hardy for this cassette master!)
Transfer [grner1 2020-07-30] Nakamichi Dragon > Macintosh with Digidesign Digi 001 sound interface
Source #2:
unknown lineage audience recording and transfer (supplied to grner1 by HermanLR as two untracked Wav files 2021-04-14)
> Pro Tools (normalization and rough tracking) > AIFF files > xACT (Flac level 8 files)
> Goody fine tuning:
TLH (Convert FLAC > WAV) > Audition (Split tracks; Pitch Bender, various amounts; noise repair, gaps fixed, merge SBD + AUD sources) >
TLH (FLAC Level 8; Align sector boundaries; .ffp) > foobar2000 (tags)
Carlos Santana: guitar, percussion, vocals
Alex Ligertwood: guitar, percussion, vocals
Chester Thompson: keyboards, backing vocals
Benny Rietveld: bass
Walfredo De Los Reyes: drums, percussion
Raul Rekow: timbales, percussion, vocals
Karl Perazzo: timbales, guiro, quinto, bongos, vocals
Larry Graham: bass & vocals on tracks 202-207
Disc 1 - Main set:
101 Intro (cuts in) / Angels All Around Us / Spirits Dancing In The Flesh 7:35
102 Somewhere In Heaven > 8:42
103 Batuka 3:37
104 No One To Depend On 4:50
105 Life Is For Living > Carlos talk > 5:23
106 Free All The People (South Africa) 7:04
107 Savor > 4:27
108 Percussion Break 1 - Karl Perazzo, Raul Rekow > 6:39
109 Agua Qua Va Caer > 4:29
110 Percussion Break 2 - Karl Perazzo, Raul Rekow, Walfredo Reyes 4:34
111 Wings Of Grace 3:17
112 Peace On Earth false start intro > Peace On Earth / Mother Earth / Third Stone From The Sun 8:47
Runtime: 69:25
Disc 2 - Encores:
201 Carlos introduces Larry Graham 1:28
202 One In A Million You 5:57
203 Right On 6:58
204 Make Somebody Happy / Get It In Your Soul > 14:00
205 I Want To Take You Higher [SBD/AUD] 5:27
206 Europa (Earth's Cry Heaven's Smile) > Ponta De Areia > [AUD] 5:38
207 Jin-Go-Lo-Ba (including band intros) [AUD] 10:38
Runtime: 50:05
Total Runtime: 1:59:30
Note: There are some problems with Larry Graham's microphone for about 30 seconds of track 203 ("Right On").
Larry Graham's bass is a bit overloaded for about 30 seconds of track 204 ("Make Somebody Happy").
Covers by ethiessen1 (Thanks!)
Many thanks to all involved in providing the sources involved in this presentation. Please note the following (from Wikipedia): "Jin-go-lo-ba" (or "Jingo") is a song by Nigerian percussionist Babatunde Olatunji, featured on his first album “Drums of Passion” (1959). In Yoruba (Olatunji's native language) it means, "Do not worry."
This edition - June 9, 2021
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: