Concord Pavilion
Concord CA
Tascam PE-125 cardioid microphones > Tascam DA-P20 DAT (48k)
DAT Master > Tascam us144-mkII > PC/WAV > Audacity > TLH > FLAC 16/48
First ~6 songs not recorded...
xx. The Call / Kenya
xx. Bara su Wayo
xx. Bacalao con pan
xx. Harmonious Convergence / Hal 99
xx. Interplanetary Party
xx. Europa ...
01. (end of) Europa
02. Exodus >
03. Amazing Grace
04. Yaleo
05. Make Somebody Happy
06. Myron Dove...
07. Guajira
08. Jingo / band intros
09. Black Magic Woman
10. Oye Como Va
11. Apache / Santana Sandwich
Recorded by Bill S. (microphones) and Mike A. (recorder)
Don't know why we missed the first 6 songs. I recorded the Jeff Beck opening set so it's not like
I was late to the show. Hmm. I did actually record the Jeff Beck set on a different deck, though.
Again, not sure why... After ~25 years the details are a little hazy.
There are a few dropouts and "digi glitches" on this tape, during the first 25 minutes or so.
I cleaned them up using Audacity, with a minimalist approach. I tried not to remove any music.
Overall, this is an enjoyable listen. Glitches and completeness aside, what we have here is a nice
document of the final 1 hour and 20 minutes of this show!
Fresh transfer from DAT master, March 2021.