Sarah McLachlin
Greek Theater
Berkeley, Ca
June 27,2014

Recorded by Daspyknows

Recorded Section C Row 9 Seat 10

Schoeps MK4 w/NBox Tascam DR-2D 24 Bit 48K

Processed using Soundforge 11, resample, to 16bit 44.1K
TLH to convert to Flac

Master 2014.12

101. Sarah Talking
102. Flesh and Blood
103. Building a Mystery
104. In Your Shoes
105. Sarah Talking
106. Adia
107. Answer
108. Broken Heart
109. Fallen
110. Sarah Talking
111. World Is On Fire
112. Q&A
113. Loving You Is Easy
114. Monsters
115. Stupid
201. Song For My Father
202. I Will Remember You
203. Brink of Destruction
204. U Want Me 2
205. Love Beside Me
206. Fumbling Towards Ecstacy
207. Witness
208. Q&A
209. Sweet Surrender
210. Possession
212. Crowd
213. Beautiful Girl
214. Angel
215. Ice Cream
216. The Sound Love Makes

This was not a show I planned to attend but a friend had been after me to
do it for weeks. I had been after him to finish a Stones matrix so I agreed
to tape in return for the favor. I checked on stubhub and found a few options.
I then enailed a fellow taper doodahmon who offered to buy a ticket to a show
for me as thanks after my Hardly Strictly Bluegrass towing fiasco. I had a
close to $600 bill on that one and its been months but was finally ready to
take him up on the offer. He got back to me and covered the ticket so only
thing left to do was nail the recording. That's what I did. I am not a big
fan but it was a fun night at the Greek. For those that are, this is a must
have and for those who aren't its a must grab for the recording quality. My
personal standards are pretty high and this one meets those standards,

Just the basic taper requests here and please no vitriol:
Don't be an ass by selling this or using it in a video that is sold
Don't modify the info file
Don't remaster and/or post on other sites that are not 100% free
If shared keep info file intact but create a second file with any changes
Don't convert to lossy formats except for personal use
Do support the artists