Band: Savoy Brown
Venue: Reigen
City: Wien/Vienna
Country: Austria
Date: Saturay, 28th April 2012
Bootleg Title: Voodoo Moon over Vienna
Taper: HighVoltage
Recording Equipment: Olympus LS-10 Linear PCM Recorder
Mic Position: in front of breastbone, underneath T-shirt
Location: about 8 m from the stage, center
Recorder Settings: Mic Sens low, Low Cut off, Mic Zoom Set Wide, Level: Manual, Limiter Off
Tour: Euro.Tour Spring 2012
Audience: ~300 (about sold out?)
Lineage: Olympus LS-10 (PCM WAV 44.1kHz/16bit) (internal Mics) , -> PC -> Nero Wave Editor -> FLAC Level 6
Edits: general volume adaption, equalizer, fade-in & fade out, track split, flac level 6, reduced volume of a few loud audience shouts between/after/during songs
I have not added the fades between the 2 Discs, I thought you might enjoy the concert in full - if you want to burn it to CD, just add them yourself!
Savoy Brown 2012:
Kim Simmonds (g, voc, h)
Joe Whitling (voc, sax)
Pat DeSalvo (b)
Garnet Grimm (dm)
Special Notes:
This concert was part of the "Vienna Blues Spring" Festival which is held annually in Spring. The Reigen is a small(-ish) music club/restaurant with tables (which were sold out) and some standing sections. My first Savoy Brown gig, and I really enjoyed it! The concert was in two parts, the break started where the tracks are split into Disc 1 and Disc 2 - however, part 1 fades into part 2, so no real break can be heard on the recording. As you can hear after 'Little red Rooster', Pat DeSalvo announces "...We're doing two sets tonight and we'll be doing a meet and greet later on, you don't have to get anything, just come out and talk to us, we appreciate it!" (which I did, of course, and had my 'Voodoo Moon' CD signed). Kim Simmonds also mentiones two sets before the acoustic part at the end of the first set (before 'Gypsy') "..we end this particular part of the night with some acoustic stuff, before we take a break and come right back!" and after 'I'm tired' "Thank you, we take a short break, we'll be right back!". Joe announces the last song in the second set with "Some things you don't have to tell anybody....some things you don't have to tell your brother... you don't have to tell your sister..." then you can hear me adding "Mother!" "...and you don't have to tell Daddy... 'cause you better tell Mama!"
Soundquality: clear audience recording with good sound, with little interference from the audience 9/10
Disc 1:
01 Intro (2:03)
02 24/7 (4:17)
03 Lookin' in (5:58)
04 Natural Man (6:24)
05 Street Corner Talking (4:43)
06 Little red Rooster (10:20)
07 She's got the Heat (5:12)
08 Gypsy (1:19)
09 I'm tired (8:29)
Disc 2:
10 Poor Girl (9:42)
11 Too much Money (4:41)
12 Louisiana Blues (14:05)
13 Voodoo Moon (5:44)
14 Meet the Blues Head on (3:51)
15 Band Intros (2:05)
16 Hellbound Train (16:13)
17 Shockwaves (5:22)
18 Tell Mama (4:46)
Enjoy this recording anyway you want (I have both the flac- and the mp3 version), share it, but please keep my notes and the album art together with the audio files!
DON'T SELL - only free sharing or trading!
Images for this show: