Savoy Brown 2019-05-26 Sellersville, PA mk6's edtyre flac
Savoy Brown
Sellersville Theater
Sellersville PA USA
source : schoeps mk6(c) > nbob actives > babynbox > sony pcm-a10 > 24/48 wav
adobe audition > ozone 8 advanced > xact 2.45 > flac 16/44.1
taper : edtyre
notes : first song fades in missed a little running late
dl from tracker 2019-05-31, files created same date. rsx.
blog > Transmission 2.94 > iMac (os10.14.5 Mojave) > xACT 2.47 (md5, st5) > Transmission 2.94 >
all included in torrent with original checksum files.
Why Did You Hoodoo Me (fades in)
Walking on Hot Stones
Payback Time
Livin’ on the Bayou
Poor Girl
A Hard Way to Go
Train To Nowhere
Street Corner Talking
Needle and Spoon
I'm Tired
I'll Keep On Playing the Blues
Louisiana Blues
Hellbound Train
Savoy Brown Boogie
My thanks to the great edtyre! also to the Band and Cheers to Kim Simmonds. still doing it with class 50+ years later!!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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