Here's a RESEED. Originally downloaded this recording in 2005, but I did not save those files.
This was again RESEEDED in April of 2010, with those original (2005) files, & that's what's being RESEEDED here.
Bottom line, these are the original files & many thanks to the original seeders!!

SRC (Scot Richard Case) .... 1969
Unknown(Adrian?) HIigh School, Adrian, Michigan, U.S.A.

Scott Richardson - Lead Vocals, Tambourine
Gary Quackenbush - Guitar
Glenn Quackenbush - Hammons Organ, Vocals
Alan Wilmot - Bass, Vocals
E.G. Clawson - Drums, Percussion

Taper, & Taping Gear: Unknown
Lineage: 1st generation tape> equalizer> cd> eac> wav> flac
Quality: vg (Enough clear and enjoyable audience recording)
Length: 7 tracks = 34:28 minutes
Artwork: none.
Samples: none.

Set List:

01 - No Secret Destination
02 - Show Me
03 - Checkmate
04 - Dear Landlord (Bob Dylan song)
05 - Lady (Cat Stevens song)
06 - Black Sheep (1st SRC's single)
07 - The Angel Song (fades out at the very end)

Originally from Birmingham, SRC started out as the Tremelos, and later, as the Fugitives. They became soon part of the Detroit based rock/psychedelic movement with other well known bands
like the Amboy Dukes and the MC5. This show reflects perfectely their acid guitar psychedelic sound with a big Doors' influence. The cover of the Dylan's song is a gem, such as "black sheep" and "show me".

Support the artists: Buy the officially released items, etc.

Prepared by Jeff James (