AI CONFINI TRA SARDEGNA E JAZZ 2016 - Sean Noonan "Zappanation"
recorded in Piazza del Nuraghe, Sant'Anna Arresi (Sardinia), Italy, on friday 2 September 2016
Harry Saltzman, saxophones
Norbert Buerger, guitar
Johnny Richards, keyboards
Michael Bardon, bass
Sean Noonan, drums and "storytelling"
with Ligeti String Quartet [Mandhira De Saram & Patrick Dawkins, violins, Richard Jones, viola, and Valerie Welbanks, cello] and Coro Corocum [contralto: Marta Melis. soprano: Alice Madeddu. tenore: Matteo Siddi. baritono: Manuel Cossu]
this is some incredible thing that mixes Gong and Zappa, a "rock-opera" so described by Noonan's site :
Mozart composed "Die Entf�hrung aus dem Serail", an Opera in the 18th century that takes place in a brothel. In 2016, Sean Noonan composes Zappanation, which is about a boy who was abandoned by his father and grows up in a swinger club. At times the libretto is absurd but always maintains the highest artistic level in the spirit of Frank Zappa ... becoming a musical journey of far-ranging sounds which combine Noonan�s wide-spectrum of musical storytelling with his discoveries from harmolodic jazz storytelling, bleeding-edge rock, and avant-garde classical music.
it could sound like bullshit but it actually works, a rock band [his Man No Longer Me electric five-piece] coupled with a string quarter and a vocal Choir from Sardinia. Also included in the folder as track 00 a radio introduction in ITALIAN with bio notes and commentaries - this intro runs for 4'26", you can skip downloading it if you don't understand italian.
a video of this performance is also available at
(00-radio introduction by Pino Saulo)
01- Overture
02- interlude
03- His Father Abandoned Him
04- Welcome to Our Swinger Club
05- Pussy Cat's Gone Wild
06- Cupid's Packing Heat
07- I am Your Pineapple
08- Inflatable Friends
09- Eat My MakeUp
10- Portrait of a Heartless Lover (He Never Cried)
11- Purge
12- bands intros
running time : 75'52" (excluding radio intros)
with intro, it would be 80'18"
FM radio broadcast by "Il Cartellone - Radio Tre Suite Jazz", Radio 3 RAI [third channell of Italian national radio], on wednesday 17 May 2017, 20:38 hours CET.
Il batterista/compositore Sean Noonan vede se stesso come un cantoutore dei giorni nostri. Con lo spirito di quei narratori africani, Noonan vaga per il mondo raccogliendo storie, leggende e folklore come un Alan Lomax punk-jazz. I tesori che trova lungo il percorso vengono filtrati attraverso la sua particolare visione per diventare suoni imprevedibili che arrivano da lontano e articolano uno spettro di suoni che Noonan combina con l�eloquenza di un bardo irlandese, i ritmi narrativi di Samuel Beckett, e la fisicit� grezza di un pugile di strada.
Lineage (FM > Hard Disc > web):
ITT HiFi4060 Tuner > Audacity 2.0 via Asus A7S333 C-Media CMI8738/C3DX soundcard > 44100hz/16bit .wav > Audacity > flac's (level 8) > webtorrenting
folder size : 551 mb
firstly upped by survivor69 on, 19-may-2017 (dimeupload #1758)
note that due to disk space limitations, I will not be able to keep seeding this torrent for a long time - I will abandon the seed in a few days, maybe remove from HD these wav/flac files, and keep only my own CDR. Too many things to upload. In case of seeders going missing, enlist yourself as a leecher and some seeder will come back, and you are anyhow welcome to try and ask for additional torrenting...
checksum file included - if uploaded on other trackers or reseed (and you are welcome to do both), please include original infofile and also do not change FOLDER name. Also, if not satisfied with my offering, you are welcome to remaster/retrack/whatever and repost, but please always clearly state where/who did you have this material from and keep original infofile. IF YOU ARE THEN OFFERING THIS SET ON YOUR BLOG AS mp3's, PLEASE SPECIFY WHERE TO ALSO GET THE ORIGINAL LOSSLESS FILES