Seasick Steve
Nijmwegen, The Netherlands
Concertgebouw De Vereeniging
11. Oktober 2013
minimax master-series #316
Master - Audience recording
Ticket-costs: 27,50 Euros!!
Parking-costs: no parking-cost because I did not want to pay at a Parking-machine and pay about 15 � for
a five hour stay that evening. What a big shit!! So, I parked about two or three or a hundred miles away...
..and walked throught the rain and was completely pissed off..!!
Taping-location: front row, right side
Sound-quality: excellent-, but read more:
Zoom H4N - Sound professional microphones SP-CMC-8 -
SP-SPSB-8 Sound Professionals Mini Battery Module
concert-info: what a nice concert hall!!
..and what a fucking dutch audience!!
I have no idea why anybody (o.k., nearly anybody) was there.
First, when Seasick entered the stage he played solo some a bit quieter stuff and there was a photographer
beside me who took about 1.000 pictures -clickclickclick. That disturbed the music completely. And I don't
tell ya that because I did a recording. But: it cannot be heard that much on my recording, because I am
top-agent 86 and I know how to absurb disturbing noises.
Second: clapping, not to the music, just a bit behind the music seems to be welcome up there.
Third: taking pictures of me and my girlfriend grinning and screaming with the band in the background is much
more interesting than listening to the music at all ("What is that there on stage at all?? He?")
Fourth: Looking nearly every four minutes on my I-phone if there's a new message is really important and to answer
immediately too.
Fifth: there's always time to have a nice and loud chat with all my neighbours around, about 100 minutes that
Sixth: I think noone up there has had any idea what to do in a "concert-hall", what might happen up there and so
on. Maybe they have nearly all won the tickets or didn't know what to do that evening, who knows...
Seventh: Seasick stopped playing on the encore shortly asking for a bit more quiet and the audience gave him
a frentetic applause and continued their bullshit.
Oh, I love you, HOLLAND!!!
C'mon, tell me the complete opposite stuff, but these are my impressions from that evening.
By the way: Seasick Steve and Dan Magnusson did a really great gig and it was really nice to see them play
...and I never ever was at a concert where a women from the audience made a "Heiratsantrag" to her
beloved partner on stage - and he said "Yes, I will!!"
That's the Netherlands!!
Maybe you made similar experiences in foreign countries (like Bavaria, Malta, North-Rhine-Westphalia, South-
Sumatra or Legoland) going to concerts, let me know!!
Including Cover-and-Label-Artwork!
Seasick Steve
Dan Magnusson
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Go to his current tour if you can!!
Do not sell. For trading only. ..and -of course- for fun!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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