Selwyn BIRCHWOOD, Bon Encontre-Fr Espace Jacques Prevert, ARSLA benefit, 24 april 2015, SM aud master DPA 4099
The new talent in modern blues music, since a few years.
First European show for Selwyn Birchwood, and it was at home for me.
The guy is only 30 years old but he knows how to put up a show !
It was the annual concert for the ARSLA foundation benefit.
Recorded from the third row, facing right PA, using :
2 x DPA 4099 supercard mics - DAD6001 - Zoom H5 (48/24), phantom on.
Downsampled 44/16 wav to PC, Audacity (tracks, volume, a bit of eq), FLAC (TLH).
The sax sounded a bit acid in the mix.
Selwyn Birchwood , guitars & vocals
Regi Oliver, baritone sax
Huff Wright, bass
"Big Love", drums
01 Intro
02 Are You Ready
03 Addicted
04 Love Me Again
05 Don't Call No Ambulance
06 Talk
07 I Hate To See You Go
08 Talk
09 Walking In The Lion's Den
10 The River Turns Red
11 Talk
12 Nineteen Years Old
13 Talk
14 Funky Bitch
15 Talk
16 Hoodoo Stew
17 Audience and talk
18 Tell Me Why
On dime april 2015 (by letsgo)
Sample in comments.
Pics in the torrent (bad lights, but some turned out good).
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
SelwynBirchwood2015-04-24EspaceJacquesPrevertBonEncontreFrance (5).JPG
SelwynBirchwood2015-04-24EspaceJacquesPrevertBonEncontreFrance (6).JPG
SelwynBirchwood2015-04-24EspaceJacquesPrevertBonEncontreFrance (7).JPG
SelwynBirchwood2015-04-24EspaceJacquesPrevertBonEncontreFrance (8).JPG
SelwynBirchwood2015-04-24EspaceJacquesPrevertBonEncontreFrance (9).JPG