Artist: Shelleyan Orphan
City: Bruxelles (Belgium)
Venue: Forest National
Date: 10 May 1989
Recording equipment: Sony WM-D3 + Maxell UDI-S 90
Transfer (April 2020): Technics RS-T55R > Pioneer A-209R > Asus Prime H270-Pro MB > iZotope RX 7 Audio Editor
1/ Recorded as a single 24 bit 48 kHz WAV file
2/ Normalized both channels separately to -0,10 dB
3/ Manual track splitting
4/ Metadata added with EZ CD Audio Converter v9.1.1
5/ Converted to FLAC 1.3.3 with EZ CD Audio Converter v9.1.1
Ticket scanned in 600 dpi, no descreening, scale 100%.
Opening band for the Cure during their Disintegration tour. Great show despite the less than appreciative audience. I recorded this sitting in the balconies, which, on the plus side, means a stable level throughout and no direct crowd
noise but also, on the minus side, the echoey feeling of a large venue (around 8,000 people I think for Forest National, and of course it was sold out). Thank you Caroline Crawley for the music. May you rest in peace and good music.
01. [intro]
02. [unknown title]
03. The Silent Day
04. [unknown title]
05. Century Flower
06. Jeremiah
07. Tar Baby
08. Summer Flies
09. Shatter
10. Burst
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: