semi-acoustic in-store performance
[pretty much unplugged, but guitar leads = through amplifier (not sure about bass guitar)]
site: Strawberries [Boylston Street location]
location: Boston MA
date: 1994-04-04 [April 4, 1994]
Sheryl Crow
Todd Wolfe - guitar
Scott Bryan - guitar, backing vox
Tad Wadhams - bass, backing vox
Wally Ingram - drums, percussion
source: audience MASTER
recording location: standing off to the side, c. 10 feet from performance area
recording gear: Nakamichi 300 microphones (cardioid capsules) > Sony WM-D6 (dolby B enabled)
lineage: cassette MASTER (pb on Nakamichi 480 2-head cassette deck, dolby B on, azimuth manually adjusted) > Sound Forge 4.5 [digital conversion] > CDR > Exact Audio Copy [wav files extracted uncompressed] > De-Glitch [glitches checked, none detected] > Traders' Little Helper [flac files level 8 created, SBEs checked, checksums created] > torrent creation > www
total running time: 25' 57"
file size: 142 MB
sample rate: 16 bit / 44.1 kHz [CD compliant]
imaging: stereo
sound quality: 9 (out of 10) samples in comments
recorded and mastered: Isotope Feeney
title: Monday Afternoon Music Store
artwork: yes (in torrent)
01 anticipatory hubbub
- - band chatter
- - instrument checks
- - Can't Cry Anymore
- - band introductions
02 Strong Enough
03 Run, Baby, Run
04 Leaving Las Vegas
- - Take Me Out To The Ball Game [short impromptu a cappella]
Sheryl Crow was in Boston because she was opening for Crowded House at the Orpheum that nite. CH also did an in-store there that day. As I recall, they did theirs earlier (around 1:00 PM), and you had to come back at 4:00 PM for Round 2 of the festivities. This was a promotion as much for the store as it was for the bands, as it was the newly-opened mega-Strawberries.
The performance vibe is pretty loosey-goosey, akin to the crunchygranola image of the artiste's nascent career (in between the Michael Jackson 'Big Hair' phase and the Eric Clapton and Lance Armstrong 'Superbabe' era).
The comment SC makes before the music starts about being "on video" is because at the rear of this new huge Strawberries installation (where the performance area was situated) was a bank of TV monitors, showing a feed of the goings-on. She looked up and saw 20 Sheryl Crows on the wall behind her.
I think I may have turned the gain down during recording, which volume fluctuation I compensated during transfer > wav in Sound Forge.
Some slight mike rustling in spots (you really have to be listening for it to hear it).
Lead vocals slightly over-recorded in loud spots.
Please refrain from uploading this elsewhere. I'd prefer to be in charge of that detail myself.
- IF -
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