Shiny Gnomes
Kirchenplatz St. Michael, Fuerth, Germany
Fuerth Festival
July - 05 - 2013
From Seethefuzz7 Collection # 023
Rec. Info:
AIWA CM30 Mic -> Olympus LS11 (at WAV 16/44) -> SD -> my HD -> Audacity (edit, volume balance + boost only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded first row left of center. Excellent sound, but as it was a free festival a lot of chatters around. Not audible for the most part, but in the quiter sections.
A few pictures by the FUZZman and dear LORD DIE included as well...
Frankonia's finest psychedelic garage rock band are definitely the SHINY GNOMES. They've been around since 1985, grounded during the mid to late 80's revival of garage rock.
I had the fortune to see them once here way up northwest in 1991 as they were support act to HAWKWIND. Though they have gone to quite some musical changes during their career,
they are still a very fine performing act. As it had been a bit quiet throughout the last decade, this show and the annoucement of a new album due to be released later this year
seems a promising look into the future. Hope you like this one, SB.
FULL SHOW (109:12 min.)
01. Soundcheck (3:14)
02. Intro -> (0:37)
03. ... (5:13)
04. ... (4:08)
05. Riding with the wind (6:10)
06. ... (3:44)
07. Ocean deep (6:24)
08. Backyard of my mind (3:22)
09. ... (4:22)
10. Pink heaven (3:50)
11. ... (6:03)
12. ... (4:46)
13. ... (4:02)
14. Party in June (5:40)
15. Station of drifters (4:36)
16. Temple balls (8:16)
17. Wild spells (3:08)
18. Encore call/Intro (1:48)
19. Cowboys of peace -> Lazing at the desert inn (9:55)
20. ... (3:53)
21. Encore call (1:43)
22. Don't stop (6:08)
23. ... (8:00)
Please help with the setlist, if you know...
the usual facebook ect. sites...
Support the band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy blog/tracker use! Flac rules!
If you surely will burn in hell...
And be sure you don't mention the "N-word" in Fuerth...
Stefan "LIMO" Lienemann - guitar, vocals
Rainer "GASI" Mertens - keyboards
Manfred "Manna" Knauthe - bass, vocals
Dorit "MISS DOORIGHT" Lacusteanu - drums, vocals
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2013/07/07.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
ShinyGnomes2013-07-05FuerthFestivalGermany (19).JPG
ShinyGnomes2013-07-05FuerthFestivalGermany (2).JPG
ShinyGnomes2013-07-05FuerthFestivalGermany (20).JPG
ShinyGnomes2013-07-05FuerthFestivalGermany (21).JPG
ShinyGnomes2013-07-05FuerthFestivalGermany (22).JPG
ShinyGnomes2013-07-05FuerthFestivalGermany (23).JPG
ShinyGnomes2013-07-05FuerthFestivalGermany (3).JPG
ShinyGnomes2013-07-05FuerthFestivalGermany (4).JPG
ShinyGnomes2013-07-05FuerthFestivalGermany (5).JPG
ShinyGnomes2013-07-05FuerthFestivalGermany (6).JPG
ShinyGnomes2013-07-05FuerthFestivalGermany (7).JPG
ShinyGnomes2013-07-05FuerthFestivalGermany (8).JPG
ShinyGnomes2013-07-05FuerthFestivalGermany (9).JPG