Vic Theater, Chicago, IL
October 13, 1985
WXRT FM Broadcast
Quality 9 of 10
FM > Nakamichi BX-125 > Maxell XLIIS > Yamaha CDR D-651 > iTunes > xACT > flac > you
1. DJ Intro/Onstage intro
2. Malaria
3. Everything That Rises Must Converge
4. Oil and Gold mini-promo
5. Fish Below the Ice
6. Please Shout at Us
7. Health and Knowledge and Wealth and Power
8. Faded Flowers
9. This Big Hush
10. Feelers
11. Talk/Hammerheads intro
12. Hammerheads
tape change
13. My Spine (is the Baseline)
14. Nemesis
Alternate versions (different recording of same FM show)
15. Feelers v2
16. Talk/Hammerheads intro v2
17. Hammerheads v2
18. Hammerheads outro v2
I had this show in two parts on two different tapes. I have minor doubts about the date, but I imagine it's correct. As I began recording from the second tape I realized (and I will never know how I did this) that I have a second version of the songs Feelers and Hammerheads so I have included them as well as the talk before and after. I think the quality may be slightly higher on the 2nd versions. According to the DJ this was the first time Shriekback was featured on the Sunday Night Concert of WXRT. The Shriekback show I shared last week was said to be the third. If anyone has the second, please share it. I have no idea what the date or venue on that one was, I'm surprised I didn't record it.
Please share freely, do not convert to MP3 for trading. Barry Andrews invites the audience to "vote with (their) money" if they are inspired by the show enough to buy the album. I say, if you are inspired to download this, please vote with your thanks or memories of the show. By acknowledging the efforts of those who share its possible they will share even more.
Upped by john52il