ProgDay 2017
Day 2, Band 4 - Shylock
Sunday, Sept 3rd, 2017 ~6:00pm - 7:45pm
Storybook Farm, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Fr�d�ric L'�p�e - guitar
Andr� Fisichella - drums
Laurent James - bass
Luca Mariotti - keyboards
1. soundcheck and intro (13:14)
2. Le Sixi�me (the sixth) (8:10)
3. Le Quatri�me (the fourth) (15:34)
4. Cascade -> Le Cinqui�me (the fifth) -> Choral (22:32)
5. Le Septi�me (the seventh) (Laocksetal) (14:53)
6. La Neuvi�me (the ninth) (Le Dernier (the last)) (9:08)
7. Le Huiti�me (the eighth) (Ile de Fi�vre) (16:37)
8. encore: Le Dixi�me (the tenth) (9:04)
Total Time: 109:09 (1 hr, 49 min, 9 sec)
Tascam DP-004 digital recorder connected to two external microphones
(audio-technica Midnight Blues MB1000L and Shure PG57) -> WAV ->
Cool Edit '96 (filtering & track split) -> FLAC Frontend -> flac files
Shylock was this year's big-name prog band, having been signed to
CBS records back in progressive rock's heyday in the 70s. Amazingly,
this was their first-ever performance in the United States.
The band had a fairly long soundcheck and I wanted to make sure I
didn't miss the beginning of their set, so I kept the recorder running.
Of course, when I finally decided to turn the recorder off and
stopped paying attention, that's when Michael Bennett came up to
introduce the band. But since I recorded 12+ minutes worth of the
soundcheck, I included it in this torrent in case anyone's interested
in that sort of thing.
If you like classic symphonic prog, if you like King Crimson influence,
if you like changes in dynamics from quiet to loud and back, if you like
multi-part'll probably like this set. It's all
instrumental (as the guitarist mentions, he was originally the band's
vocalist until someone at an early gig suggested that he stop singing
and just stick with the guitar), and full of the hallmarks of classic prog.
The recording came out really well. There's a bit of audience chatter
audible during some of the quiet parts, and the bass is maybe a little
too "punchy" during the loud parts, but overall this sounds pretty
darned good if I do say so myself. Oh, and there was a guy sitting
near me with a very squeaky lawn chair, but it didn't turn up on the
recording nearly as often as I had feared it would. It's mostly only
audible between songs.
There's one glitch I have to apologize for - there's a nasty THUMP
noise at 12:14 of track four - I think that's where I reached under
the chair that I had the recorder sitting on and tried to pull out
the camera I had lying there to take a picture of the band...and I
accidentally slammed the camera case into the right microphone. Sorry
about that. I assure you no one is more irritated about it than I am.
Shylock links:
(The band also supposedly has a web site at, but when I try to
bring it up I get a "Bad Gateway" error in both IE and Chrome).
About ProgDay:
ProgDay is an outdoor festival of progressive rock
that has been held annually since 1995. In 1996 it
was expanded from one day to two and has been featuring
anywhere from eight to eleven progressive rock bands
each year since, with a few more prog bands usually
hosting their own Friday and/or Saturday night events
at nearby venues. It's definitely worth the trip if
you're a prog fan and don't mind a little heat and
humidity and a little driving around. I first went in
1997 and was so impressed that I've been back every year.
The main event takes place at beautiful Storybook Farm,
unless rain forces it indoors (which has fortunately only
happened a couple times in the festival's history). It's
a relaxed atmosphere, where you can listen and watch from
anywhere you want - if you really like a particular band,
you can sit right up against the stage. Some people listen
to the bands while shopping for CDs and merchandise in the
vendor tent or getting food in the pavilion or playing
frisbee in the field behind the audience or just sharing
a beer or two with friends.
The people are friendly, and the band members often hang out
all weekend taking in the show, selling merchandise and
chatting with fans when they're not on stage. If you're a
prog rock fan and can possibly attend, make every effort to
be there next year. Every ticket sold really helps.
If you'd like to make a donation via PayPal to help keep
the festival afloat (and ensure more of these ProgDay torrents
in the future), please visit:
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show:
Shylock2017-09-03ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (19).jpg
Shylock2017-09-03ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (2).jpg
Shylock2017-09-03ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (20).jpg
Shylock2017-09-03ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (21).jpg
Shylock2017-09-03ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (22).jpg
Shylock2017-09-03ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (3).jpg
Shylock2017-09-03ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (4).jpg
Shylock2017-09-03ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (5).jpg
Shylock2017-09-03ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (6).jpg
Shylock2017-09-03ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (7).jpg
Shylock2017-09-03ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (8).jpg
Shylock2017-09-03ProgDayStorybookFarmChapelHillNC (9).jpg