Siena Root
Muz Club, Nuernberg, Germany
November - 27 - 2013
from SEETHEFUZZ7 collection # 070
Rec. Info:
AIWA CM30 Mic -> Olympus LS11 (at WAV 16/44) -> We Transfer-> my HD -> Audacity (edit, volume balance + boost only) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded at first row left side of center as usual by dear SEETHEFUZZ7. Unfortunately the band started even before their scheduled time, so this recording jumps in during the
forth song of the set. Think about fate, when you realize that the recording from next day is also incomplete and jumps in during the forth song as well...hmm, shades of viking
gods that didn't want us to get a complete show? Anyway, the tape sounds mighty fine, and I thought 78 minutes are way better than nothing!
Here's another capture from the recent german autumn tour by great SIENA ROOT. I've said almost everything about the lineup changes in the former posted Bielefeld show. This
one has two different songs compared to that. A new track, intitled "Sabbath shuffle" and the fantastic old goodie "Trippin'" instead of "Fever" and "Dreams of tomorrow".
Especially the latter one is an orgy of wild organ and screetching guitar! So, even if this - again - not the whole show, I would suggest this a neccessary addition to any
serious "heavy 70's Rock collection". Join in the fun...SB.
INCOMPLETE SHOW (78:07 min.)
01. Waiting for the sun (2:38) (fades in)
02. November (6:16)
03. Sabbath shuffle (3:40)
04. Little man (5:34)
05. Between the lines (6:20)
06. Kitchen (8:56)
07. Long way from home (10:27)
08. Seven years of bad luck (5:40)
09. 3dr stone jam -> Rasayana (10:00)
10. Comin' home (5:06)
--- Encore ---
11. Trippin' (8:56)
12. ... (4:30)
a new album will be out soon!
Support the band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy blog/tracker use! Flac rules!#
If you rotten koettbullars forever!
SIENA ROOT 2013 live...
MARTIN GUSTAVSSON - Les Paul Gibson/Slide
ERIK PETTERSSON - organ grinder
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2013/12/05.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: