Siena Root
AJZ, Bielefeld, Germany
November - 28 - 2013
It's a Spacebandit, so you're in there!
Rec. Info:
OKM2R -> ZoomH2n (at WAV 16/44) -> SD card -> HD -> Audacity (edit/balance only, no boost neccessary) -> WAV 16/44 -> TLH8 -> FLAC -> DIME -> YOUR EARS AND MIND...
Recorded by your truly for some 20+ at 2nd row dead center, then 1st row stage edge. Very fine "in your face" recording, almost no chatters audible, with one major exception:
I failed... I could tell you that the gear jammed, but unfortunately I forgot to push the "hold" on the Zoom H2n. So the recording stopped when I put the gear in my bag (where
I usually store it during shows). A few minutes/songs later when I was just checking the input level, I realised to my complete horror that it stopped. Started again, this time
with the "hold", so what you get is an imcomplete Siena Root show, but I thought 83 mins. are better than nothing. Sorry for my fault, folks...
A few crappy pics from my throwaway camera are included as well...especially some weird takes on the guitar...
As I said before, this was the most magical "Warm-up" to a full weekend festival I've ever experienced. JUst some 10 hours after this show ended, me and my friends headed off
for the 6th PSYCHEDELIC NETWORK FESTIVAL in Wuerzburg, where we we about to get 24+ hours of fine music in 3 daze.
This was my first Siena Root show in excatly 2 years, and it was kind of very different to the last one at Kopmplex in Schuettorf. KG West, founding member, and fantastic guitar
and sitar player had quit the touring biz a few months ago to concentrate on studying the secrets of indian sitar knowlegde. He's still with the band, but not on stage anymore.
Also, a unique moment for me, there was no female singer. Ups, as they usually have one with them...So, what's the real difference besides that fact?
Sure, more organ grinder sounds, a new male singer, and...hmmm...well..hmmm...some kind of swedish reincanation of Mr. Duane Allman on guitar and SLIDE! Woah! If that's not enough for
you, the major surprise was seeing Mr. Sam Riffer without his usual wizard stage cape...Too much...
Anyway, you notice, the sound has changed quite a lot. But I loved what I got to hear, and I really enjoyed every single moment of the Allman Brothers style slide get into that
Jon Lord - driven organ, and suddely the whole band explodes...You wanna hear? Hope you like it...SB.
INCOMPLETE SHOW (83:01 min.)
01. Waiting for the sun (4:16) (fades in)
02. November (6:35)
03. Fever (7:28)
04. Little man (5:15)
05. Between the lines (6:29)
06. Kitchen (9:16)
07. Long way from home (10:27)
08. Seven years of bad luck (5:39)
09. 3rd stone jam -> Rasayana (10:01)
10. Comin' home (5:38)
--- Encore ---
11. Dreams of tomorrow (4:27)
12. Encore call (2:05)
13. ... (5:20)
--- Extra ---
14. Intro -> Convienantly (cut) (3:33)
track 14 is just for fans. You can put this on the start if you want, or just leave out.
Didn't get the last track on my radar...guess someone knows...
a new album will be out soon!
Support the band, go to their shows, buy all their merchandise!
Do not convert to lossy files, unless for personal use. No lossy blog/tracker use! Flac rules!#
If you rotten koettbullars forever!
SIENA ROOT 2013 live...
MARTIN GUSTAVSSON - Les Paul Gibson/Slide
ERIK PETTERSSON - organ grinder
@ the band: THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Uploaded to DIME by Spacebandit 2013/12/03.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: