Skinny Lister
Viersen, Germany
Eier mit Speck-Festival
26. Juli 2015
minimax master-series #501
Master - Audience recording
Genre: folk-shanty-pop-punk
Taping-location: middle of the audience, front row, about 1,86 meters from stage
Sound-quality: very good+
Event: about 4000 visitors
Equipment: Zoom H4N ? Sound professional microphones SP-CMC-8
concert-info: on day two of this festival the first few bands and the main-act later on had to be cancelled due to heavy storm-warnings..
Here's day three:
another of my Skinny-master. One of the bands I love a lot, but also a band that is really hard to record. The sound is always hard work for my Zoom. It took me minutes to get the volume-level right, but -you know- you can't get it right. And I don't want to take care about my recording when they are on stage ? as I'm over there to have fun.
Some cracks can be heard as my microphones got some hits from a balloon-thing that did some crowdsurfing too.
And it started to rain...
As usual it's a bit hard to get in the right Skinny-mood. It again took a few songs ? not only for me, also for the rest of the field ? and then we all got caught when John Kanaka/Rollin' over was played. We all got the rum in the flagon. Mr. Camino did some crowdsurfing with his contrabass, Lorna Thomas also did some crowdsurfing ? the audience really got a huge party going on. Fantastic live band.
Crank it up! Play this here LOUD!!!!
Including Cover-Artwork!
Max Thomas
Lorna Thomas
Dan Heptinstall
Michael Camino
The ?Mule? Sam Brace
Thom Mills
Intro / Raise a wreck
Georges glass
If the gaff don't let us down
-new song-
What can I say
Bold as brass
John Kanaka
Rollin' over
Trouble on Oxford Street
Seventeen summers
-new song- On the edge ????
This is war
Forty pound wedding
support this band
Buy their records on vinyl, cd and their merch
Go to their concerts
Grab some rum from the flagon
Do not sell. For trading only. ..and -of course- for fun!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: