Skinny Lister
K�ln, Germany
29. Januar 2016
-supporting Frank Turner-
minimax master-series #576
Master - Audience recording
Taping-location: front row, a bit on the left side
Sound-quality: excellent � to very good +
Ticket-costs: -
Concert: sold out
Equipment: Zoom H4N � Sound professional microphones SP-CMC-8
concert-info: another one from my huge Skinnie-collection. Here's their short gig supporting Mr. Turner. Rousy again, it incl. a big drink from the flagon for mr. Minimax, it includes the longest and farest crowdsurfing of Mr. Michael Camino and his giant bass.
Later during the set of mr. Turner the whole band returned to the stage agqain and we got a crowd-surfing-competition between Thom Mills and Michael Camino � from the stage to the mixing-desk and back. (Sam was the winner�in a dramatic fight!)
Including Cover-Artwork!
Sam Brace
Thom Mills
Dan Heptinstall
Michael Camino
Lorna Thomas
Max Thomas
Intro / Raise a wreck
Georges glass
Bold as brass
John Kanaka
Rollin' over
Trouble on Oxford street
17 summers
This is war
40 pound wedding
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Do not sell. For trading only. ..and -of course- for fun!
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
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