Slaid Cleaves
February 23, 2002
Blue Door
Oklahoma City, OK
Don't judge this by the first song. There were problems with the sound system that were quickly fixed.
Source: SP-CMC-6 w/AT-853C > SP-BPF-2 > Sony D-8 > Maxell HS-4/60 DAT (right side back 15 rows)
Processing: Maxell HS-4/60 DAT > Tascam DA-P1 > Sony M-10 (wave 24-bit 48-khz) > Audacity (tracking/fades/
dither/export to 16-bit 44-khz wave > encoded to flac (level 8) and aligned on sector boundaries (pad) w/ TLH
Note: The Blue Door is a great venue and quite small. You can bring your own cooler and drink beer or whatever you like.
I was back about 15 rows on the right side. I went to this, my first show at the Blue Door, with my good friend Dana. I
didn't attempt to get permissioon to record. In stealth mode with the venue and crowd so small, I wasn't watching my deck
like I normally would. I'm positive there was one and maybe two more songs after my tape ran out. Great show and no regrets.
Slaid noticed my Fred Eaglesmith bumper sticker and played a Fred song. I ended up attending the Fred show there the
next month (3/17/2002) and was allowed to set up mic stand and full rig. The following year in 2003 I took my daughter and
met three taper friends at the Woody Guthrie Memorial Folk Festival Slaid mentions, in Okema, OK. The line up included
Ramblin' Jack Elliot, Pete Seger and Arlo Guthrie to name just a few. The pic on the cover is what it looked like at this show.
The pic on the back is what it looks like today. It's definately in the ghetto but I've never had any problems. Great venue.
The Brokedown Band
Slaid Cleaves - guitar, vocals
Ivan Brown - bass, vocals
Michael O'Connor - guitar
Eleanor Whitmore - fiddle
Set List:
Set One - Disc One
1. Intro
2. No Angel Knows (minor distortion from sound system corrected after first song)
3. Horseshoe Lounge
4. The Carousel
5. Broke Down
6. Willie Of The Wind
7. Cowboy Ramsey
8. Lydia
9. One Good Year
10. Six
Set Two
11. Not Going Down >
12. Lodi >
13. Not Going Down
14. I Like Trains
Disc Two
1. Breakfast In Hell
2. This Land Is Your Land
3. The Morning I Was Born Again
4. Bring It On
5. Cold And Lonely
6. From My Dad
7. Trying To Get To You
8. Fat Woman Blues
9. Don't Tell Me
10. Keys
11. Dance Around The Fire
Note: tape ran out and I missed the last 1 maybe 2 songs from encore.
Recording, processing, and designs by dghale aka Jayhawker, 11/12/2017.
Images for all shows as well as full size images for this show.
Images for this show: