Slaid Cleaves
Godfrey Daniels, Bethlehem, PA
October 13, 2013
showtime 7 PM
Source: Tascam Dr-40 (int mics, X-Y, low cut filter @ 40 Hz) > wav (16/44.1)
Transfer: wav (16/44.1) > Audacity 2.0.4 (reduce applause by 3 dB, trim & fade ends) > CD Wave Editor 1.98 (track splits) > TLH > FLAC
Location: 12 feet from stage, 6.5 feet high, 3 feet left of center)
by tom
Set I
01 crowd
02 Horseshoe Lounge
03 Drinkin' Days
04 talk
05 Still Fightin' The War
06 Without Her
07 talk
08 Whim Of Iron
09 talk
10 Rust Belt Fields
11 Broke Down
12 talk
13 Breakfast In Hell
14 talk
15 Texas Love Song
Set II
01 crowd > talk
02 Cry
03 talk
04 Quick As Dreams
05 talk
06 Hometown USA
07 talk
08 Lydia
09 Hard To Believe
10 Gods Own Yodeler
11 talk
12 Horses & Divorces
13 Texas Top Hand
14 talk
15 Something Real (Gettin' Down) +
16 talk
17 Temporary
18 One Good Year
19 crowd > talk
20 Go For The Gold &
+ Scrappy Jud lead vocal
& Performed off mic, Slaid & Scrappy Jud move through the audience during the song.
Slaid Cleaves: guitar, vocal
Scrappy Jud Newcom: guitar, baritone guitar, slide guitar, vocal
The recorder was located 2 feet or so above my head. The applause saturated the levels on the recorder but there is no noticeable distortion. I lowered the applause by -3 dB. NO compression was used.
I am the person who requested Don Walser's "Rolling Stone From Texas" in at the end of track 12, set 2.
Thanks to Slaid & the friendly folks at Godfrey's for allowing me to record!
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